Description: Deutsch: Pflanze im Landschaftsschutzgebiet, 65462 Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Deutschland. Date: 25 July 2007. Source: Own work. Author: Vera Buhl.
Description: Nederlands: Achterkant met balkons van de Albert Termotestraat. Achter de bloemen is een gracht. Date: 30 July 2010, 15:39:47. Source: Own work. Author: Smiley.toerist.
Contents 1 Summary2 This picture is part of a set2.1 To the gallery of plants3 Licensing Description: English: Lythrum salicaria, Lyhraceae, Purple Loosestrife, habitus. The plant is used in homeopathy as remedy: Lythrum salicaria (Lythr-s.) Deutsch: Lythrum salicaria, Lyhraceae, Gewöhnliche Blutweiderich, Habitus; Karlsruhe, Deutschland. Die Pflanze wird in der Homöopathie als Arzneimittel verwendet: Lythrum salicaria (Lythr-s.). Date: 20 June 2009. Source: Own work. Author: H. Zell. Camera location48° 59′ 31.44″ N, 8° 23′ 02.42″ EView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 48.992067; 8.384006. This picture is part of a set[edit] To the gallery of plants[edit].