Comprehensive Description
fornì da North American Flora
Rhabdadenia biflora (Jacq.) Muell.-Arg. in Mart
FL Bras. 6^ 175. 1860.
Echites biflora Jacq. Enum, PI. Carib. 13. 1760. Echites paludosa Vahl, Kclog. 2: 19. 1798. Exotkostemon paludosum G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 83. 1838. Echites Ehrenbergii Schlecht. Linnaea 26: 666. 1855. Echites Billbergii Beurl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1854: 137. 1856. Rhabdadenia Ehrenbergii Muell.-Arg. Linnaea 30: 454. 1860. Rhabdadenia paludosa Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 119. 1878. Rhabdadenia nervosa Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 122. 1878. Rhabdadenia cordata Miers, Apoc. S. Am. 122. 1878. Rhabdadenia macrantha Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 40: 7. 1905.
Fruticose or sufFruticose liana, glabrous throughout; leaves coriaceous to firmly membranaceous, broadly obovateoblong to lanceolate, 5-12 cm. long, 1.5-5 cm. broad, usually rather abruptly mucronate, obtuse at the base, yellowish-green, the upper surface somewhat lustrous, the petioles 1-2 cm. long; inflorescence lateral or rarely subterminal, bearing 1-5 white flowers occasionally somewhat suffused with pale-rose, the peduncle about as long as the leaves or somewhat longer; pedicels 10-13 mm. long; bracts minute, scarious; calyx-lobes broadly ovate-oblong, mucronulate, 1-9 mm. long, subfoliaceous, somewhat spreading; corolla infundibuliform, the tube proper 15-20 mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter at the base, the throat conic, 20-30 mm. long, 10-15 nun. in diameter at the orifice, the lobes broadly and obliquely obovate, 20-25 mm. long, spreading; anthers densely pilosulous dorsally, included; nectaries about half as long as the ovary; follicles unknown.
Type locai^ity: [L^ogane, HaUi.]
Distribution: Southern peninsular Florida and Greater Antilles; Campeche, Yucatan, and British Honduras; Panama; also in northern South America.
- sitassion bibliogràfica
- Robert Everard Woodson, Jr. 1938. (ASCLEPIADALES); APOCYNACEAE. North American flora. vol 29(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY