Habit image, KVN674-H, Bartholdi Park , GGI Gardens Project
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN674-F, Bartholdi Park , GGI Gardens Project
Photograph of Lysimachia glutinosa.
Photograph of Lysimachia terrestris.
Photograph of Lysimachia terrestris.
Photograph of Lysimachia nummularia.
Photograph of Lysimachia iniki.
Photograph of Lysimachia filifolia. .
Close up image. Ingram, K. S. 103. United States Botanic Garden Mediterranean garden. GGI Gardens Project 2017.
Close up image. Ingram, K. S. 103. United States Botanic Garden Mediterranean garden. GGI Gardens Project 2017.
Close up image. Ingram, K. S. 103. United States Botanic Garden Mediterranean garden. GGI Gardens Project 2017.
Habit image. Ingram, K. S. 103. United States Botanic Garden Mediterranean garden. GGI Gardens Project 2017.
Close up image. Ingram, K. S. 103. United States Botanic Garden Mediterranean garden. GGI Gardens Project 2017.
Photograph of Lysimachia arvensis. Naturalized in lawn at UC Irvine campus.
Photograph of Lysimachia arvensis. Naturalized in lawn at UC Irvine campus.
Photograph of Lysimachia quadrifolia.
National Arboretum Asian Collections
National Arboretum Asian Collections