
Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Apogon leptacanthus Bleeker

Apogon leptacanthus Bleeker, 1856a:204 [type-locality: Ternate, Moluccas].

Apogon graeffi Günther, 1873:22, pl. 20: fig. E [type-locality: Boston Island, Marshall Islands].

Amia nematacantha Ogilby, 1913:85, pl. 22: fig. 1 [type-locality: Darnley Island, northern Queensland, Australia].

DIAGNOSIS.—A narrow dark line along dorsum at base of dorsal fins extending to upper procurrent rays of caudal fin; a similar, but fainter, line along ventral portion of caudal peduncle; no basicaudal spot or dusky areas on side of caudal peduncle; second dorsal fin filamentous, usually longer than 30% of standard length.

DESCRIPTION.—Important morphometric and meristic data are treated in Tables 4–6. For general shape and pigment pattern see Figure 13. Proportions (as percent standard length): body depth 35–52; head length 36–40; eye length 12–15; snout length 7–9; bony interorbital width 9–10; upper jaw length 16–18; caudal peduncle depth 15–17; caudal peduncle length 17–24; dorsal spine lengths—first 7–13, second 24–66, third 22–31, fourth 17–25, spine in second dorsal 16–21; anal spine lengths—first 2–5, second 13–17; pectoral fin length 25–30; pelvic fin length 20–23.

Second dorsal fin I, 9; 2 anal spines; pectoral fin 13–14; pelvic fin I, 5; well–developed gillrakers 27–31 (5 to 7 + 21 to 24), including rudiments 28–32 (0 to 2 + 5 to 7; 21 to 24 + 0 to 1); pored lateral–line scales 24, transverse scale rows above the lateral line 2; median predorsal scales 6, circumpeduncular scales 12 (5 + 2 + 5).

COLOR OF PRESERVED SPECIMENS.—Head and trunk pale to light dusky; fins transparent; a narrow dark line at base of dorsal fins and extending posteriorly to the procurrent rays of the caudal fin; a similar dark line, but no so prominent, on ventral portion of caudal peduncle.

COLOR IN LIFE.—This species is illustrated in color by Burgess and Axelrod (1976, fig. 37) from a color transparency.

LIFE HISTORY.—Three specimens of unknown sex were observed to have eggs in their mouths: USNM 183739, 29 mm SL, Palawan I., collected in December; USNM 183742, 38 mm SL, Tonquil I., Philippines, collected in September; USNM 21 1833, 31 mm SL, Solomon Is., collected in June. The following specimen had no eggs in the mouth but had the characteristic buccal enlargement: GVF 483, 33 mm SL, Urukthapel I., Palau Is., collected in September.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—This species has a wide range, extending from the African coast eastward to the Samoan and Tonga islands (Figure 14). We have seen no material from the Red Sea and the northern Indian Ocean and from such other comparatively well-collected areas from the Line Islands southeastward to the Society Islands. Randall (1983:62) illustrated from a color slide a specimen captured in the Red Sea.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—About 4059 specimens, the largest 45 mm SL.

Syntype: RMNH 5570, 31 mm SL, Ternate, Moluccas, Bleeker collection.

Type Specimens of Apogon graeffi: BMNH 1873.4.3.32, 2 syntypes (27.9, 30.4), Boston I., Marshall Is. NHMW 34966–34967, 2 syntypes (23, 38), Boston I., Marshall Is.

Type Specimens of Amia nematacantha: QM I.1273, holotype, 32.8 SL, Darnley I., Torres Strait, between Cape York and New Guinea. QM I.1270–1272, 1275, 4 paratypes (29.0–32.4 SL), Darnley I.

Other Material: AFRICAN COAST: RUSI 3070, 3 (39–42), Zanzibar. RUSI 3067, 2 (42, 43), Kifuki I., Mozambique. RUSI 3069, 3 (27–32), Takamji I., Mozambique. RUSI 3071, 8 (30–45), Pinda Reef, Mozambique. RUSI 3064, 4 (30–34); RUSI 3068, 4 (30–40); both Wamizi I., Mozambique.

MADAGASCAR: USNM 211822, 59 (21–29); USNM 211823 (27); both Nossi Bé.

COMORO ISLANDS: USNM 213051 (38), Grande Comore I.

ALDABRA: RUSI 3065, 2 (28, 31).

SEYCHELLES: RUSI 3063 (39); RUSI 3066, 5 (29–38); both from Mahé I. USNM 211824, 8 (18–28), Mahé vicinity, W of NW tip of Anonyme I.

COCOS-KEELING ISLANDS: ANSP 130727 (41), Pulo Pandang.

CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO: USNM 211825, 7 (32–35), Diego Garcia Atoll.

BORNEO: USNM 211826 (34), Palau Gaya, Darvel Bay. USNM 211827, 11 (18–23), Palau Gaya, Darvel Bay.

GULF OF SIAM: GVF 1462 (28), Goh Sak I.

MOLUCCAS: USNM 210429, 4 (18–41), Ambon I., Poka. USNM 210461 (17), Ambon I.

PHILIPPINES: USNM 183740, 3 (28–30), Rasa I., Mautaquin Bay, Palawan I. USNM 179690, 134 (21–34), Luzon, near Palag Bay. USNM 183739, over 80 (20–35), Balalo Bay, Palawan I. USNM 183741, 21 (25–39), Pt. Uson, Pinas I. USNM 168420 (30), Tonquil I. USNM 183782, 72 (24–44), Tifu Bay, Bouro I. USNM 183743, 4 (34–36), Makesi I., Palawan I. USNM 183772, 3 (32–33), Mantacao I., W coast Bohol. USNM 183778, 2 (25, 30), Romblon. USNM 183757 (A. 23300) (38), Makesi I., Palawan I. USNM 183761 (A. 23905) (35), Tataan Tawi Tawi group. USNM 183759 (A. 23649) (38), Caracaran, Batan I. USNM 183756 (A. 23262) (38), Port Palapag, E coast Luzon. USNM 183769 (A. 480–482), 3 (24–32); USNM 183771, 2 (34, 35); both Romblon. USNM 183747 (A. 23171, 23172, 23425), 3 (38–40); USNM 179691, 8 (37–40); both Tutu Bay, Jolo I. USNM 183751 (A. 16103–16106), 4 (32–33); USNM 183762, 10 (30–38); both Cataingan Bay, Masbate I. USNM 183767, 6 (32–36), Biri Channel, E coast Luzon. USNM 183758 (A. 23589–91), 3 (38–41), Tifu Bay, Bouro I. USNM 183752 (A. 16539) (32), Port Matalvi, Luzon. USNM 152109, 10 (32–38), Rapu Rapu. USNM 183742, 87 (24–38), Tonquil I. USNM 183746 (A. 23773) (32); USNM 183764, 2 (24, 24); both Ulugan Bay, Palawan I. USNM 183744 (A. 8304–8313), 10 (24–36), San Miguel I., Tobaco Bay, E coast Luzon. USNM 211828, 2 (22, 30), Port Matalvi, Luzon I. SU 20960, 2 (26, 31), Culion I.

CELEBES (Sulawesi): USNM 183774 (33), Tomahu I.

NEW GUINEA: USNM 211829 (29); USNM 211830, 3 (19–33); USNM 211831, 28 (19–36); AMS I.17089;027, 7 (19–33); all Madang Harbor, Krankett I. BPBM 15759, 2 (31, 32), Madang, Sinaub I. AMS 1.17262–022, 2 (33, 34), Port Moresby, bay on Manubada I.

AUSTRALIA: ANSP 123419, 13 (36–41); AMNH 42961, 4 (37–41); AMNH 42960, 11 (35–40); AMNH 42962, ∼200 (19–41); all Little Hope I., Queensland.

BISMARK ARCHIPELAGO: USNM 211832, 46 (21–35), Keraward I., Duke of Kirk group.

NEW CALEDONIA: USNM 197682, 2 (34, 42), Magenta Bay and Ansevata Bay.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: USNM 211833, 12 (30–34); USNM 211834, 15 (26–31); USNM 211835, 10 (23–31); all Wana-Wana I. and Blackett Straits, New Georgia. USNM 211836 (31), N shore Wana-Wana I. USNM 207033 (17), Mundi region, New Georgia I. USNM 211837, ∼300 (19–36), Munda lagoon, New Georgia. FMNH 22121–22, 2 (30, 32), Tenibuli, Isabel I. SU 25360, 2 (29, 33), Isabel I.

PALAU ISLANDS (Belau): USNM 154239 (23). USNM 154240, 123 (22–37), W Koror. GVF 558, ∼100 (23–45); GVF 1873, ∼100 (22–36); GVF 1412 (40); GVF 1957, 3; GVF 1959, I; GVF 532, 12; all Koror I. GVF 866, 4; GVF 941, 11; both from Kayangel I. GVF 1829, 26; 2004, I; 1439, 2; 827, 43; 1992, ∼100; all from Babelthaup I. GVF 529, 6; 546, 39; 1414,∼150; 1415, 37; all Auluptagel I. GVF 483, 18; 526, 9; 1870, 12; 1979, 1; all from Urukthapel I. GVF 1972, 1, Ngadarak Reef. GVF 1853, ∼200; BPBM 6958, 18; both from Arakabesan I. GVF 754, 6; GVF 639, 60; both from Iwayama Bay.

MARIANA ISLANDS: USNM 154241, 2 (21, 22), Saipan. USNM 124165 (30), Guam, Merizo.

TONGA ISLANDS: USNM 211838, 1475 (22–42), Neiafu, Vava'u Tonga.

SAMOAN ISLANDS: USNM 52407, 4 (33–39) (tin tag 06581); USNM 111965, 2 (27, 32); both Apia. USNM 15110 (35). USNM 20512, 1 specimen. SU 8897, 5 (26–45), Apia (tin tags 02575, 02345 loose in jar). BPBM 6143, 24 (28–33), Apia, Upolu.

MARSHALL ISLANDS: USNM 166595, 12 (27–37), Uliga I., Majuro Atoll.

NEW HEBRIDES (Vanuatu): GVF 1826, 23 (24–32), Espiritu Santo I.

CAROLINE ISLANDS: GVF 496 (29); GVF 492, 2; BPBM 11854, 48 (23–33); all Ponape I. GVF 377 (31), Kapingamarangi Atoll. GVF 470, 9; Kapingamarangi. GVF, sta 196, 38 (13–24), Japutik I. GVF 1903, 47; 1904, 3; 1907, ∼200; 1910, ∼1000 (20–40); 1912, 2; 1915, 1; 1935, ∼200; 1937, 36; 1941, 9; 1942, 13; 1946, 17; all from Yap I.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Fraser, Thomas H. and Lachner, Ernest A. 1985. "A revision of the Cardinalfish Subgenera Pristiapogon and Zoramia (Genus Apogon) of the Indo-Pacific Region (Teleostei : Apogonidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-47. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.412