Tacumshin Lake (East End), County Wexford
Miradoiro Lagoa de Vixán, Carreira, Ribeira, Galicia
Miradoiro Lagoa de Vixán, Carreira, Ribeira, Galicia
Oder River, Police, Western Pomerania
Oder River, Police, Western Pomerania
Eanjum, Noardeast-Fryslân, Friesland
Lauwersoog, Kustweg
Kuusamo, Koillismaa, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Hällögern; Västerbotten
Hällögern; Västerbotten
Hällögern; Västerbotten
Thrilled to see no less than 3 of these rare birds for the first time.St. Cyrus Nature Reserve, Montrose, Scotland. NO753646
St. Cyrus Nature Reserve, Montrose, Scotland. NO753646
St. Cyrus Nature Reserve, Montrose, Scotland. NO753646