Julien Touroult. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Julien Touroult. Year: 2022. Contact: julien.touroult@mnhn.fr.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
CMN/CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CNC/CBG Photography Group. Year: 2012. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
CMN/CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CNC/CBG Photography Group. Year: 2012. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
CMN/CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CNC/CBG Photography Group. Year: 2012. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Julien Touroult. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Julien Touroult. Year: 2022. Contact: julien.touroult@mnhn.fr.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Mordellochroa scapularis, found on flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, in my yard. I saw several of these on the flowers. It is not a species I have noticed previously--must have just missed it. Length, about 4.5 mm, head to base of style.
Glipa oculata, a large (8 mm) and distinctively-marked member of this family. Members of this family are usually seen on flowers, but this one was running about the the foliage of a dogwood (Cornus florida). I also recently found one at my lighted kitchen window. Taxonomic note: Expert discussion on Bugguide has suggested that this particular species needs to be moved out of the genus Glipa, perhaps to the genus Mordella or the (tongue-twisting) Hoshihananomia. However there appears to be no official publication on this, so in Glipa it stays for now.