Fucus (Rockweed).
Laminaria saccharina.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Laminariees, Saccorhiza bulbosa.
Vertical section of a large holdfast of Nereocystis.
Taonia atomaria.
Tilopteris. Fronde articulee, monosiphonee, rameaux opposes, portant des aiguillons lateraux supportant des spores
Algue brune, Agarum Gmelini, Mertens.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Laminariees, Laminaria Cloustonii. Le Jolis.
Fucus Vesiculeux recouvrant un rocher.
Laminaria saccharina.
Padina pavonia.
Juvenile Nereocystis Plant.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Dictyotees, Taonia atomaria (Good et Wood.) J. Ag..
Arame (Ecklonia bicyclis).
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Enceliacees, Asperococcus bullosus Lamour.
Drift of Fucus and Other Algae. [This resembles at first glance bed of growing kelp.]
Laminaire (L. saccharina).
Holdfase of a large Nereocystis plant clinging to a rock.. (Collected near Low Cape, Kodiak Island)
Desmarestia aculeata.
Spatoglossum schraederi (a and b); Dictyota dichotoma (c and d), narrow form from coral reef.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Enceliacees, Punctaria latifolia. Grev..
Halidrys osmunda.
Small Macrocystis pyrifera individual, with holdfast, at Steinhart Aquarium, San Francisco, California