
Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da North American Flora
Sieversia triflora (Pursh) R. Br.; Richards. Bot. App
Frankl. Journey ed. 2. 21. 1823.
Geutn triflorum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 736. 1814. Sieversia rosea Graham, Edinb. New Phil. Jour. 11: 193. 1831. Geum Grahami Steud. Norn. Bot. ed. 2. 1: 682. 1841. Erythrocoma triflora Greene, Leaflets 1: 175. 1906. Erythrocoma cinerascens Greene, Leaflets 1: 175. 1906. Erythrocoma ajjinis Greene, Leaflets 1: 175. 1906.
Perennial, with a thick rootstock; stem finely pilose and somewhat hirsute, 2-4 dm. high, mostly cymosely 3-flowered; basal leaves 1-2 dm. long, interruptedly pinnate; rachis more or less hirsute; principal leaflets 7-15, at the apex 2or 3-cleft less than half their length, each lobe 2or 3-toothed, with ovate teeth, finely puberulent, somewhat glandular on both sides and hirsute on the veins beneath; stem-leaves small, pinnate with linear divisions; hypanthium densely pilose, more or less turbinate at the base, at least in anthesis, purple; bractlets linear-subulate, 12-18 mm. long, longer than the lanceolate sepals; petals yellowish or fleshcolored, narrowly elliptic, nearly as long as the bractlets; plumose part of the style 3-4 cm. long; glabrous upper portion about 5 mm. long, withering, at last usually deciduous.
Type locality: "Upper Louisiana'' [South Dakota].
Distribution: Hills, from Newfoundland to New York, Illinois, Nebraska, Montana, and Alberta.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Per Axel Rydberg. 1913. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY