I found this as a caterpillar last fall in a seed pod of Trumpet Vine, Campsis radicans. Unfortunately, I did not get photos of the caterpillar. However it emerged (today, I think) and was very calm for some photos. Wingspan about 20 mm.It perched calmly on a pod of trumpet vine, and I was able to prop this up in one of my little "studios" (white plastic Chinese take-out container), thus able to get a variety of angles. This moth was very placid--most do not tolerate that sort of manipulation.-BugGuide account
I found this as a caterpillar last fall in a seed pod of Trumpet Vine, Campsis radicans. Unfortunately, I did not get photos of the caterpillar. However it emerged (today, I think) and was very calm for some photos. Wingspan about 20 mm.-BugGuide account
Clydonopteron sacculana, a moth with a bizarre form, and subtle coloration. I get a few at lights every year, likely emerging from a population on cultivated trumpet vine, Campsis radicans, in my yard. Uploaded at a rather large size, which shows the pattern of scales nicely.