Uncinia tenella (delicate hooksedge) flowering near the Franklin River, ranklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, Tasmania.A recent review has suggested that Uncinia should be sunk into Carex, making this species Carex austrotenella.
Fruits of Uncinia tenella (delicate hooksedge) living up to their name by snagging body hair.
Uncinia tenella (delicate hooksedge) flowering near the Franklin River, ranklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, Tasmania.A recent review has suggested that Uncinia should be sunk into Carex, making this species Carex austrotenella.
Uncinia tenella (delicate hooksedge) flowering near the Franklin River, ranklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, Tasmania.A recent review has suggested that Uncinia should be sunk into Carex, making this species Carex austrotenella.
Fruits of Uncinia tenella (delicate hooksedge) living up to their name by snagging body hair.
2011-05-07 Burgenland, district Mattersburg (Kogelberg, 305 msm Quadrant 8264/4).German name: Micheli-SeggeThe Latin name should be spelled according to Italian pronunciation rules /mikelii/, as it is named after an Italian botanist.
field image of Carex brevior PLAINS OVAL SEDGE at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing several stems and seed heads just after bloom
close up image of Carex brevior PLAINS OVAL SEDGE at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single seed head just after bloom; anthers have dropped off and white filiaments are drying outThis species is featured in the book, Graceful Splendor: Grasses of the Tallgrass Prairie. Contact frank@black-sweater-art.com for more information.
field image of Carex brevior PLAINS OVAL SEDGE at the James Woodworth Prairie Preserve - showing a single seed head just after bloom
United States
United States
Ellemeet, Zeeland, Netherlands
Ellemeet, Zeeland, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands
Drenthe, Netherlands