Plancia ëd Muhlenbergia peruviana (P. Beauv.) Steud.
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Muhlenbergia peruviana (P. Beauv.) Steud.

Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Phytokeys
Tufted annuals. Culms 3–27 cm tall, erect, glabrous. Leaf sheaths usually longer than the internodes, smooth or scabridulous; ligules 1.5–3 mm long, membranous, acute; blades 1–5 cm long, 0.6–1.5 mm wide, flat to involute, smooth or scabridulous abaxially, sometimes shortly pubescent adaxially. Panicles 2–8 cm long, 0.3–3.4 cm wide, contracted or open; primary branches 1–5 cm long, diverging up to 80° from the rachises; pedicels 0.4–5 mm long, smooth or scabrous. Spikelets 1.4 4.2 mm long, 1-flowered; glumes smooth or scabridulous; lower glumes 0.8–2.8 mm long, narrow to broadly lanceolate, 1-veined, acute, often awn-tipped; upper glumes 0.9–3 mm long, wider than the lower glumes, lanceolate, 3 (2)-veined, truncate to acute, 2- or 3-toothed; lemmas 1.4–4.2 mm long, ovate, widest near the base, purplish mottled with dark green areas, hairy on the calluses and lower 2/3 of the lemma bodies, hairs to 0.5 mm long, apices acuminate, usually bifid and awned from between the teeth, teeth to 0.5 mm long, awns 3–10 mm long, flexuous, purplish; paleas 1.3–3.8 mm, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate to subacute; anthers 0.5–1 mm long, purplish to yellowish. Caryopses 1–1.6 mm long, fusiform, brownish. 2n = 30.
drit d'autor
Paul M. Peterson, Isidoro Sánchez Vega, Konstantin Romaschenko, Diego Giraldo-Cañas, Nancy F. Refulio Rodriguez
sitassion bibliogràfica
Peterson P, Vega I, Romaschenko K, Giraldo-Cañas D, Rodriguez N (2018) Revision of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae, Chloridoideae, Cynodonteae, Muhlenbergiinae) in Peru: classification, phylogeny, and a new species, M.romaschenkoi PhytoKeys (114): 123–206
Paul M. Peterson
Isidoro Sánchez Vega
Konstantin Romaschenko
Diego Giraldo-Cañas
Nancy F. Refulio Rodriguez
visité la sorgiss
sit compagn

Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da Phytokeys
Muhlenbergiaperuviana occurs in Arizona and New Mexico, U.S.A, throughout Mexico to Guatemala and then in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru (Peterson and Annable 1991).
drit d'autor
Paul M. Peterson, Isidoro Sánchez Vega, Konstantin Romaschenko, Diego Giraldo-Cañas, Nancy F. Refulio Rodriguez
sitassion bibliogràfica
Peterson P, Vega I, Romaschenko K, Giraldo-Cañas D, Rodriguez N (2018) Revision of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae, Chloridoideae, Cynodonteae, Muhlenbergiinae) in Peru: classification, phylogeny, and a new species, M.romaschenkoi PhytoKeys (114): 123–206
Paul M. Peterson
Isidoro Sánchez Vega
Konstantin Romaschenko
Diego Giraldo-Cañas
Nancy F. Refulio Rodriguez
visité la sorgiss
sit compagn