
Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da North American Flora
Cinna arundinacea L. Sp. PI. 5. 1753
Agrostis Cinna Retz. Obs. 5: 18. 1789. (Based on Cinna arundinacea L.) Agroslis Cinna Lam. Tab. Encyc. 1: 162. 1791. (Based on Cinna arundinacea L.) Agrostis Cinna Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1 : 64. * 1814. (Based on Cinna arundinacea Willd., error for L.) Muhlenbergia Cinna Trin. Gram. Unifl. 191. 1824. (Based on Agrostis Cinna Lam.) Cinna arundinacea var. inexpansa Fernald & Griscom, Rhodora 37: 135. 1935. (Type from Virginia, Fernald & Long 3648.)
Culms erect, glabrous, several-noded (nodes as many as 10), usually 1-1.5 meters tall; sheaths glabrous or scaberulous, mostly overlapping; ligule thin, nerved, somewhat scaberulous, soon deeply lacerate, about 1 cm. long; blades narrowed toward base, scaberulous or nearly smooth on the surfaces, scabrous on the margins, mostly more than 15 cm. long, and mostly less than 1 cm. wide; panicle narrow, many-flowered, rather dense, grayish, nodding, 15-30 cm. long, the branches ascending, some in each fascicle floriferous nearly to the base; spikelets acute, 5 mm. long; glumes somewhat unequal, acute, scabrous on the keel, somewhat scaberulous on the sides, the first 1-nerved, the second 3-nerved; lemma usually about as long as the second glume, glabrous, bearing below the tip a minute straight awn; palea apparently 1-nerved; prolongation of the rachilla minute.
Type locality: Canada.
Distribution: Moist woods, Maine to South Dakota, and southward to Georgia and eastern
sitassion bibliogràfica
Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1937. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(7). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY