
Plancia ëd Pandalus stenolepis Rathbun 1902

Plancia ëd Pandalus stenolepis Rathbun 1902


This side view of segments 3-6 of the abdomen show the pattern of spots plus the fact that abdominal segment 3 (far right) has no mid-dorsal carina nor a rear-projecting spine on the posterior margin. The mid-dorsal blue spot cannot be seen on segment 5 in this view (but see the previous view). Note also that the main lateral markings on the abdomen are red dots, some of which are aggregated into reddish stripes which angle upward posteriorly, as opposed to the well-defined red stripes on the sides of Pandalus danae's abdomen, which angle downward posteriorly.

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Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory