Acronema sippewissettensis Teal et al., 1998. Reniform slightly dorsoventrally flattened flagellates range in size from 3-7 microns in length by 3-5 microns in width. They are spherical in two to three day old cultures, and more oblong in six to seven day-old cultures. A slight peristome originates from the anterior dorsal edge. Both acronematic (tapered) flagella emerge from a mid-ventral depression in young mastigotes or from a subapical ventral depression in older ones. A ventral groove originates below the peristome in a depression where the undulipodium emerges, and runs posteriorly on the right-hand side of the cell to a midventral level. The short posterior flagellum is 4-6 microns long, while the anterior one is 5-7 microns long. The tapered region of the posterior flagellum, 1.5-2.25 microns, is approximately three times that of the anterior flagellum, 0.5-0.75 microns Probably this is Cafeteria roenbergensis.
Ancludù an coste pàgine-sì:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Stramenopiles
- Bigyra
- Opalozoa
- Bicosoecida
- Cafeteriaceae
- Acronema
- Acronema sippewissettensis
Costa plancia a compariss an gnun-e colession.
Anformassion an sla sorgiss
- licensa
- cc-by-nc
- autor
- Won Je Lee
- fornidor
- micro*scope
- original
- archivi ëd mojen original
- visité la sorgiss
- sit compagn
- micro*scope
- ID