![Plancia ëd Marginopora Quoy & Gaimard ex Blainville 1830](https://content.eol.org/data/media/9f/7b/0a/776.27475989.580x360.jpg)
The green color of this calcareous foraminiferan is due to the presence of symbionts. Notice the very large size of the test; this species can be well over 1 cm across. Image (and hand) courtesy of Samuel S. Bowser, Wadsworth Center.
Ancludù an coste pàgine-sì:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Rhizaria
- Retaria
- Foraminifera (Foraminìfer)
- Tubothalamea
- Miliolida
- Miliolina
- Soritidae
- Marginopora
- Marginopora vertebralis
Costa plancia a compariss an gnun-e colession.
Anformassion an sla sorgiss
- licensa
- cc-by-nc
- fornidor
- micro*scope
- original
- archivi ëd mojen original
- visité la sorgiss
- sit compagn
- micro*scope
- ID