
Jullienella pearceyi Nørvang, 1961

Plancia ëd Jullienella pearceyi Nørvang 1961


Jullienella pearceyi Nørvang, 1961, holotype (fig. 2). Scale bar: 1 cm. Th. Mortensen leg, Station 31, off Durban, SE Africa (29°54’25” S, 31°09’45” E), 124 m depth, August 29, 1929. From Nørvang (1961: pl. 9, figs. 2-6). Nørvang, A. (1961). Schizamminidae, a new family of Foraminifera. Atlantide Report, Scientific Results of the Danish Expedition to the Coasts of Tropical West Africa 1945-1946, No. 6, Copenhagen, pp. 169-201.

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