
Einadia nutans subsp nutans leaf10 (16314331495)

Plancia ëd Chenopodium nutans (R. Br.) S. Fuentes & Borsch


Description: Native, warm-season, perennial prostrate to twining herb. Stems are relatively weak and may be herbaceous or woody (more so at the base). Leaves are usually less than 20mm long, with at least some narrow-sagittate, sagittate or hastate. Flowerheads rarely have sterile spine-like branches Flowers are small, green and 5 lobed. Fruit are subglobose, succulent and orange to red. Flowering can be year-round, but is mostly in summer and autumn. Found in woodlands and forests, mostly at the base of shrubs and trees. Date: 14 January 2015, 16:46. Source: Einadia nutans subsp nutans leaf10. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
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