
Triodia scariosa plant7 (9511787697)

Plancia ëd Triodia scariosa N. T. Burb.


Description: Native, warm-season, perennial, tussock or hummock-forming grass to 200 cm wide and 100 cm tall. Stems are branched and leaves are rigid, narrow, tightly rolled and sharp tipped. Flowerheads are contracted to open panicles 9-30 cm long. Flowers anytime after heavy rain. Found on well-drained, low fertility, sandy or rocky areas (e.g. serpentine). Native biodiversity. Slow growing and very drought tolerant. Extremely spiky; an unpalatable species, with very low feed quality for livestock. Protects sandy and rocky areas from erosion due to trampling. Provides habitat for small native animals. Date: 15 August 2013, 12:23. Source: Triodia scariosa plant7. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
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