

Plancia ëd Mimivirus


Description: English: Niemeyer virus (NYMV) collection site, morphometric analysis, and electron microscopy. (A) Shows a map of the Pampulha Lagoon, from where the samples were collected. Red dots: collection points; yellow dot: NYMV isolation site. (B) Shows an image of a NYMV particle, observed in electron microscopy. (C) Shows the size, in nanometers, of different components of the NYMV particle: only the fibers, only the capsid and the particle as a whole. Date: 10 November 2015. Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/167736/fmicb-06-01256-HTML/image_m/fmicb-06-01256-g001.jpg at https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2015.01256/full Niemeyer Virus: A New Mimivirus Group A Isolate Harboring a Set of Duplicated Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Genes. In: Front. Microbiol., 10 November 2015. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01256 . Author: Paulo V. M. Boratto, Thalita S. Arantes, Lorena C. F. Silva, Felipe L. Assis1, Erna G. Kroon, Bernard La Scola, Jônatas S. Abrahão. Other versions: .

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Paulo V. M. Boratto, Thalita S. Arantes, Lorena C. F. Silva, Felipe L. Assis1, Erna G. Kroon, Bernard La Scola, Jônatas S. Abrahão
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