
Tethysbaena ophelicola, sub-adults

Plancia ëd Thermosbaenacea Monod 1927


This multimedia object is from a journal published by Scientific Research Publishing. Be careful with its content, esp. copyright status. Description: English: Tethysbaena ophelicola, sub-adultsDeutsch: Tethysbaena ophelicola, sub-adulte Exemplare. Date: 10 March 2014, 23:22:38. Source: Por, F. , Dimentman, C. , Frumkin, A. and Naaman, I. (2013) Animal life in the chemoautotrophic ecosystem of the hypogenic groundwater cave of Ayyalon (Israel): A summing up. Natural Science, 5, 7-13. doi: 10.4236/ns.2013.54A002, http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=30808. Author: N. Ben Eliahu.

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