Road Cut near connection with 101, Invasive weed
Road Cut near connection with 101, Invasive weed
Road Cut near connection with 101, Invasive weed
along highway right-of-way on low hillside slope of white chalky limestone
plants on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa with halophytic/gypsophilous grasses, forbs & small shrubs; inc. Strotheria, Frankenia, Dicranocarpus, Isocoma, Haploesthes,Tiquilia and Atriplex.
plants on gypsum mineralized silty clay of bolson playa with halophytic/gypsophilous grasses, forbs & small shrubs; inc. Strotheria, Frankenia, Dicranocarpus, Isocoma, Haploesthes,Tiquilia and Atriplex.