
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cryptothelea macleayi (Guilding)

Oiketicus macleayi Guilding, 1827:375.

Cryptothelea macleayi (Guilding).—Davis, 1964:53.

The sole extant specimen upon which this species is believed based was referred to as the “holotype” in my 1964 revision. However, because no type-selection was ever made, a formal lectotype designation is necessary. The rather involved reasons for recognizing this specimen as a syntype are discussed in my revision, and in other references there referred to, and need not be repeated here. Suffice it to say that this specimen appears to be the only surviving specimen of this species (or of any psychid in the Guilding collection), and that it completely agrees with the very superficial original description. Unfortunately, no additional material agreeing with this specimen and species has been collected thus far from its type-locality, “India Occidentalis.” As discussed in my earlier revision (1961:123), St. Vincent of the Lesser Antilles is suspected as being the origin of C. macleayi. Because this suspicion has never been verified, a query has been indicated in the appropriate place in Table 1.

LECTOTYPE.— (present designation), bearing the following seven labels: (1) a small round, brown label: “7 17”; (2) a white rectangular label: “det. W. H. T. Tams, Cryptothelea macleayi L. G., Type , det. W. H. T. Tams”; (3) a green rectangular label: “macleayi, 26”; (4) a white rectangular label: “Psychid wing, legs, ant. and genitalia, slide nos. 39 and 40”; (5) a white rectangular label: “Slide 229, D. R. Davis”; (6) a white rectangular label: “ genitalia, Slide 280, D. R. Davis”; (7) a white, red-bordered label: “Lectotype; Oiketicus macleayi Guild., by D. Davis 1973.”
bibliographic citation
Davis, Donald R. 1975. "A Review of the West Indian Moths of the family Psychidae with descriptions of New Taxa and Immature Stages." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-66. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.188