Description of Actinomonas
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Cells colourless, with tentacles emanating from the cell in all directions but particularly numerous at the front end. Tentacles of the front end interconnected by complex system of fibres. With well-developed flagellar wing supported by paraxonemal rod. Heterotrophic. Very common in marine plankton. One well-described species. Actinomonas mirabillis Kent. Cells 4-8 µm in diameter. With trailing stalk up to c. 120 µm long. Sometimes more than one trailing stalk present. With annular scales on the flagellum. Parapedinella reticulata S.M. Pedersen et Thomsen somewhat resembles Actinomonas. It has numerous tentacles emanating from the cell surface but the cell, which is 7-15 µm in diameter, is covered with plate-like organic scales. Annular scales are present on the flagellar surface. Known from Australia and Denmark.