
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Aphelandra chamissoniana Nees

Aphelandra chamissoniana Nees, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9:90, 1847, in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:299. 1847; Bot. Mag. 108, pl. 6627. 1882.—Semaine Hort. 323. 1898.—Wasshausen and Smith, Fl. Ilustr. Catar. 1, Fasc. ACAN: 73. 1969.

Aphelandra punctata Hort. Bull. Cat. 184:25. 1882.

Aphelandra chamissoniana Nees var. paranaensis Rizzini, Dusenia 3:191. 1952.

Shrub or suffrutescent herb to 2 m high; stems delicate, glabrous or the tip sparingly pilosulous; leaf blades oblanceolate, 15–18 cm long, 3–4.5 cm wide, acuminate, slenderly cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, entire or undulate, glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (7–8 pairs), these sparingly puberulent with curved hairs, the costa and lateral veins of the upper surface often bordered somewhat yellow; petioles (unwinged portion) about 1 cm long, glabrous; flowers borne in terminal (rarely axillary), sessile spikes, these 5–12 cm long (without flowers), about 3 cm wide, oval in outline, the rachis glabrous, the bracts imbricate or spreading with age; bracts oval, 2.2–3 cm long, 1.1–1.5 cm wide, yellow, conduplicate, long-cuspidate, cuneate at base, membranaceous, glabrous to puberulous, bearing 4–6 serrulate teeth on either side between the middle and base of cusp, to 2 mm long; bractlets lanceolate, 5–9 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide near base, carinate, acuminate, subhyaline, finely striate-nerved, glabrous, the margins roughened; calyx 8–11 mm long, the segments subequal, lanceolate, subhyaline, finely striatenerved, minutely puberulous, the posterior segment 8 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, acute, the anterior pair 10 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, the lateral pair 11 mm long, 1 mm wide, both anterior and lateral segments acute, ending in a stiff bristlelike awn; corolla 4.5–5.5 cm long, yellow, orange or red, glabrous, the tube curved, 3 mm wide at base, 2 mm wide at 5 mm above base, the throat obconic, 6 mm wide at mouth, the upper lip erect, obovate, 9–15 mm long, 8 mm wide, bifid, the lobes 4–6 mm long, 3.5–4 mm wide, more or less acute, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes equal, oblong, 7–15 mm long, 4 mm wide, acute; stamens as long as or slightly exceeding the upper lip; anthers 5 mm long, dorsally lanate; filaments flat, glabrous; capsule dark brown, shining, narrowly clavate, about 17 mm long and 3 mm wide, glabrous; seeds smooth, obliquely ovoid, 4 mm long, 3 mm wide, dark brown, wrinkled.

TYPE.—Chamisso s.n. (holotype LE), Brazil, Santa Catarina, Island of Santa Catarina.

DISTRIBUTION.—Southern coastal Brazil, in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. BRAZIL. SÃO PAULO: Iporanga, Jul 1886, Puiggary 3.042 (P). PARANÁ: Morretes, Picada Engo. Lange to Estação Marumbi, 20 Mar 1947, Hatschbach 662 (US); Paranguá, Sitio do Meio, 29 Apr 1951, Hatschbach 2251 (RB, holotype of A. chamissoniana var. paranaensis Rizzini); Pôrto de Cima, 200 m alt, 24 Jun 1914, Dusén 589a (GH, S); S. José dos Pinhaes, Pedra Branca de Araraquara, 25 May 1947, Hatschbach 749 (US); Guaratuba, Divisa, 18 Jan 1970, Hatschbach 23361 (US); Guaratuba, Serra de Aracatuba, 950 m alt, 10 Mar 1959, Hatschbach 5520 (US); Guaratuba, Serra de Araraquara, 25 Jun 1968, Hatschbach 19424 (US); Guaratuba, Alto da Serra, 26 Jul 1960, Duarte 5353 (RB, US). SANTA CATARINA: Biguaçu, mata de fachinal, 600 m, 16 Dec 1945, Reitz C-990 (HBR, US); Blumenau, Morro Spitzkopf, 350 m, 23 Apr 1953, Reitz & Klein 542 (HBR, US); Blumenau, Jan 1888, Ule s.n. (HBG); Bom Retiro, Mata da Companhia Hering, 400 m, 5 Feb 1960, Reitz & Klein 4.158 (HBR); Bom Retiro, Mata da Companhia Hering, capoeirão, 250 m, 5 Jul 1960, Reitz & Klein 4.165 (HBR, US); Brusque, capoeira e mata, 40 m, 30 Jun 1949, Reitz 2.996 (HBR, US); Mata do Hoffmann, capoeirão, 50 m, 10 Oct 1949, Reitz 3.093 (HBR, US); Ribeirão do Ouro, mata, 600 m alt, 8 May 1950, Reitz 3.544, 3.546 (HBR, US); Mato do Hoffmann, capoeira, 40 m alt, 18 Aug 1953, Klein 577 (HBR); Corupá, corrêa, mata, 600 m alt, 13 Jan 1958, Reitz & Klein 6.194 (HBR, US); Florianópolis, St. Catherine, Nadeaud s.n. (P); Ile Ste. Catherine, Guadichaud s.n. (P); Ilha de S. Catarina, 22 Jan 1951, Reitz 3.708b (HBR, US); Ilha de S. Catarina, Naufragados, mata, 20 m alt, 14 Dec 1951, Reitz 4.253, 4.364 (HBR, US); Morro do Ribeirão, mata, 400 m, 20 Dec 1966, Klein 6.977 (HBR, US); Morro do Ribeirão, mata, 450 m alt, 16 Jan 1967, Klein 7.079 (HBR, US); Ibirama, Horto Flôrestal I.N.P., mata, 700 m alt, 18 May 1956, Klein 1.980 (HBR, US); Ilhota, Morro do Baú, mata, 700 m alt, 29 Jun 1948, Reitz 2.044 (HBR, US); Itajaí, Morro da Facenda, mata, 50 m alt, 17 Mar 1954, Klein 711 (HBR); Morro da Fazenda, mata, 50 m alt, 2 Jul 1954, Reitz & Klein 1929 (HBR); Morro da Ressacada, mata, 300 m alt, 31 Mar 1955, Klein 1.237 (HBR, US); em mata, Itajaí, Apr 1886, Ule s.n. (HBG); Lauro Mueller-Uruçanga, Pinhal da Companhia, mata de pinhal, 300 m alt, 14 Jul 1958, Reitz & Klein 6.788, ibidem, pinhal, 300 m alt, 17 Dec 1958, Reitz & Klein 4.089 (HBR, US); Luís Alves, Braçp Serafin, mata virgem, 100 m alt, 22 Jan 1948, Reitz 2.010 (HBR); Palhoça, mata, PilÕes, 50–700 m alt, 14 Mar 1952, L. B. Smith 6210 (HBR, US); PilÕes, mata, 200 m alt, 19 Jan 1956, Reitz & Klein 2.424 (HBR, US); PilÕes, mata, 350 m alt, 23 Feb 1956, Reitz & Klein 2755 (HBR); PilÕes, mata, 250 m alt, 9 Jul 1956, Reitz & Klein 3.391 (HBR); Reserva Forestal dos PilÕes, 250 m alt, 30 Nov 1950, Duarte & Falcão 3189a (RB, US); Taió, 400 m alt, May 1962, Marchiori 6 (HBR); Garuva, Três Barras, mata, 50 m alt, 25 May 1951, Reitz & Klein 3.980 (HBR); mata, 100 m alt, 22 Jun 1957, Reitz & Klein 4.487 (HBR); mata, 200 m alt, 17 Apr 1958, Reitz & Klein 6.694 (HBR, US); Vidal Ramos, Sabiá, mata, 750 m alt, 15 Jun 1957, Reitz & Klein 4.357 (HBR, US); Apr 1869, Mueller 316 (K). CULTIVATED MATERIAL. Herb. Hort. Kew, Aug 1889 (K); Palm House 1887 (K); Oct 1889, Sir G. Macleay’s Garden (K).

LOCAL NAME.—Bâlsamo-de-Chamisso.

Nicholson (1900:60) states that A. chamissoniana is the correct name for A. punctata Hort. Bull. Cat.
bibliographic citation
Wasshausen, Dieter C. 1975. "The genus Aphelandra (Acanthaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-157. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.18