Xiu Hu, Jia-qi Huang, Jia-chuan Tan, Yong-qingWu, Juan Chen
Figure 1.
Hedychiumviridibracteatum X.Hu, sp. nov., holotype, A upper leaves and inflorescence B flower C bract D ovary and glands E calyx tube F floral tube with calyx tube wrapped outside G corolla lobe H lateral staminodes I labellum J stamen K anther L stigma. Drawings Y. X. Liu.
Xiu Hu, Jia-qi Huang, Jia-chuan Tan, Yong-qingWu, Juan Chen
Figure 2.
Hedychiumviridibracteatum X.Hu, sp. nov., flowers and their parts: A bract B bracteole C ovary D calyx tube E floral tube F corolla lobe G lateral staminodes H labellum I labellum claw J filament K anther.
Xiu Hu, Jia-qi Huang, Jia-chuan Tan, Yong-qingWu, Juan Chen
Figure 3.
Hedychiumviridibracteatum X.Hu sp. nov. A habit (growing on rocks) B rachis and bracts (pubescent) C ligule (glabrous) D inflorescence at anthesis E leaf blade surface (adaxial view) F leaf blade surface (abaxial view) G rhizome H portions of inflorescence (2–4 flowers per bract).
Xiu Hu, Jia-qi Huang, Jia-chuan Tan, Yong-qingWu, Juan Chen
Figure 4.
Histogram of relative DNA content of nuclei isolated from the leaves of the new plant and related Hedychium species. AH.coronarium (control) BH.viridibracteatumCH.villosumvar.tenuiflorumDH.villosumvar.villosum.
Xiu Hu, Jia-qi Huang, Jia-chuan Tan, Yong-qingWu, Juan Chen
Figure 5.
Distribution and flowering of Hedychiumviridibracteatum X.Hu, sp. nov. and the related species H.villosumvar.tenuiflorum and H.villosumvar.villosum.
Figure 2.
Hedychiumziroense V.Gowda & Ashokan, sp. nov. A Habitat B Habit C Inflorescence D Flower E Floral dissection a Bract b Bracteole c Unopened bud d Calyx e Dorsal corolla lobe f Lateral corolla lobe × 2 g Labellum h Lateral staminode × 2 i Floral tube j Filament k Anther l Stigma m Style n Epigynous nectary × 2 o Ovary. Photographed by Ajith Ashokan.