2005 The Regents of the University of California
Pinyon type on north slopes of side canyons in Sheep Creek. The Cercocarpus sp. type can be seen on the ridge top, although it occupies but a small area. Quad name: San Antonio. Quad number: 163A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1926 burn on Table Mt. Near Sheep Creek. On the gradual slopes as this is, Cercocarpus sp. has replaced the pinyons, a few of which are still seen in foreground. The larger part of the burn however is almost barren. Very poor recovery due to steep slopes. Quad name: San Antonio. Quad number: 163A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking up Lytle Creek. Western yellow pine type along the center of the wash and in the background. Bigcone spruce and canyon oak type at the left. Cercocarpus sp. Type on the right. Quad name: San Antonio. Quad number: 163A. Reference to map: 9.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Shows 1924 burn coming back to mixed brush. Also on right are shown the more barren south slopes coming back to a chamise type with Acmispon glaber (=Lotus scoparius), Ceanothus cuneatus, Rhus ovata, mixed in., T 1 N R 9 W Sec 2 Quad name: Pomona. Quad number: 163C.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking west from Mill Creek Canyon showing burned area on east slope of Norton Peak. Mixed chaparral type and bigcone spruce on left. Chamise manzanita type. (Arctostaphylos glauca) on extreme right. San Bernadino County., T 1 S R 1 W Sec 8 Quad name: Redlands. Quad number: 164D.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Areas of chaparral (Arctostaphylos nissenana) and Chamise chaparral types burned over in July 1931. Chamise chaparral species: Adenostoma fasciculatum, Arctostaphylos viscida, Ceanothus tomentosa, v. Both types nontimber sites. Ponderosa pine (SI 150) at left. Looking N into head of Martinez Creek, south of Diamond Springs., T 10 N R 11 E Sec 31 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 21.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Area burned over in July 1931. Arctostaphylos nissenana ( pure stand in foreground killed outright; new growth consists of Hypericum concinnum and Polygala cornuta, with scattered sedlings of A. nissenana . Adenostoma fasciculatum-Arctostaphylos viscida stand in background; new growth consists of A. fasciculatum sprouts and seedlings, A. viscida seedlings and Eriodictyon californicum. The chamise has not advanced into the A. nissenana area. Head of Martinez Creek, south of Diamond Springs., T 10 N R 11 E Sec 31 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 29.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Bates Canyon. Association of Adenostoma fasciculatum and Arctostaphylos glauca. Assoc species: Ceanothus cuneatus., T 10 N R 28 W Sec 7 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 58.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Isolated Ponderosa pine stand. (SI 150) surrounded by Chamise chaparral. (nontimber site). Associates of Ponderosa pine: Quercus kelloggii, Q. wislizenii, Arctostaphylos viscida. Species in chamise type: Adenostoma fasciculatum, Arctostaphylos viscida, Ceanothus tomentosa, Heteromelesarbutifolia (=Photinia arbutifolia), Salvia sonomensis. Looking NW from point 2 miles NW of Shingle Springs., T 10 N R 9 E Sec 35 Quad name: Placerville. Quad number: 56. Reference to map: 19.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Shows Arctostaphylos canescens non sprouting, 5 feet high. Associates: knobcone pine, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Pickeringia montana, Arctostaphylos glandulosa. Thin soil ridge-sandstone shale formation. Note 3 ft rule. See specimen 8797, T 10 S R 1 E Sec 4 Quad name: New Almaden. Quad number: 85C. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Mt. Hermon Ponderosa pine area. Marine sands; Shows individuals of Arctostaphylos silvicola. Associates Ponderosa pine, Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus cuneatus. Note 3 ft rule indicating height of 13 feet., T 10 S R 2 W , Elevation 700 Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Same location as Photo # 302494 looking southwest at formation of Arctostaphylos silvicola associated with Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus cuneatus. Note A. silvicola in foreground killed outright by fire., T 10 S R 2 W Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 7.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Thrifty Douglas fir tree growing in a chaparral area (Mixed chaparral type) consisting of Pickeringia montana,Arctostaphylostomentosa subsp.crinita (=Arctostaphylos tomentosa) and sensitiva, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Castanopsis chrysophylla var. minor, Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens. Other conifers are knobcone pine., T 10 S R 2 W Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 15.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Mt Hermon marine sand area. Looking northwest at chaparral formation of Arctostaphylos silvicola associated with Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus cuneatus., T 10 S R 2 W Quad name: Santa Cruz. Quad number: 84. Reference to map: 7A.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Point on ridge west of Coyote Reservoir. Looking NE. Shows Quercus agrifolia-Artemisia californica grass type on lower slopes. On upper slopes chaparral of Adenostoma fasciculatum and woodland of Quercus agrifolia. In foreground note colony of sunflower (see Hendrix specimen #757). Santa Clara County. (Balsamorhiza hookeri), T 10 S R 4 E Sec 9 Quad name: Morgan Hill. Quad number: 85D. Reference to map: 13.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking NE toward Miranda Pine Mtn. Shows chamise chaparral covered slopes of Miranda Pine Mtn. Note open stand of Blue oak and Coulter pine at very summit. Adenostoma fasciculatum with Salvia mellifera, Quercus dumosa, Cercocarpus betulaefolius, Ceanothus cuneatus, Arctostaphylos glauca. Santa Barbara County., T 11 N R Sec 19 Quad name: Branch Mt.. Quad number: 133D.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Head of Miranda Pine Creek. Panorama showing woodland-grass and chaparral types. Woodland-grass: with blue oak. Chaparral subtypes: Adenostoma fasciculatum, Ceanothus cuneatus and Cercocarpus betulaefolius, Ceanothus cuneatus. Santa Barbara County., T 11 N R 30 W Sec 7 Quad name: Branch Mt.. Quad number: 133D.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
From point on Santa Maria highway. Looking north across Cuyama river. Shows Adenostoma fasciculatum, Salvia leucophylla, and Quercus agrifolia and Quercus douglasii formations. Baccharis salicifolia subsp. salicifolia (=Baccharis viminea) in Cuyama wash., T 11 N R 32 W Sec 15 Quad name: Avenal. Quad number: 133D. Reference to map: 7.