Nicoletiidae is a family of primitive insects belonging to the order Zygentoma. These insects live primarily underground, under detritus, or in caves. A few species are recorded as commensals inside nests of social insects, such as the species Allotrichotriura saevissima which lives inside fire ant nests.[1]Nicoletiidae don’t have eyes as other existing species and they lack pigment. They have medium size, with extended antennae and terminal filaments.[2]Coletinia, a genus of this family, has many characters including a body length that ranges between 10 and 15mm. They may have yellowish pigmentation but most of them are transparent.[3] They have bilayered and very large acrosome, a short nucleus including chromatin being really condensed with tubular invaginations and sperm length and head size classified as short. [4]
Nicoletiidae is a family of primitive insects belonging to the order Zygentoma. These insects live primarily underground, under detritus, or in caves. A few species are recorded as commensals inside nests of social insects, such as the species Allotrichotriura saevissima which lives inside fire ant nests.Nicoletiidae don’t have eyes as other existing species and they lack pigment. They have medium size, with extended antennae and terminal filaments.Coletinia, a genus of this family, has many characters including a body length that ranges between 10 and 15mm. They may have yellowish pigmentation but most of them are transparent. They have bilayered and very large acrosome, a short nucleus including chromatin being really condensed with tubular invaginations and sperm length and head size classified as short.
Los nicoletíidos (Nicoletiidae) son una familia primitiva de insectos pertenecientes al orden Zygentoma.[1] Es una familia muy estrechamente relacionada con Lepidotrichidae.[2]
Sus características comunes al resto de los tisanuros incluyen:cuerpo aplastado, cercos largos y filamento mediano, y ojos compuestos separados.[1] Los nicoletíidos son además ciegos y con depigmentación parcial o completa.[2]
Se distribuyen en todas las regiones zoogeográficas.[2]
Se reconocen dos subfamilias:[2]
La taxonomía a nivel de familia, subfamilia y, en algunos casos, de género, es actualmente objeto de discusión:[2]
Los nicoletíidos (Nicoletiidae) son una familia primitiva de insectos pertenecientes al orden Zygentoma. Es una familia muy estrechamente relacionada con Lepidotrichidae.
Nicoletiidae er en primært vingeløs insektgruppe. De regnes til ordenen Zygentoma. Dyrene lever underjordisk og er lyssky.
Små til middelsstore (5-11 mm) og slanke urinsekter, bleke, øyne mangler helt. Denne familien har ikke skjell på kroppen i motsetning til mange andre Zygentoma.
Nicoletiidae lever i de øvre lagene av jorden og kan finnes under steiner, også i huler. Noen formerer seg ved partenogenese.
Familien Ateluridae blir noen ganger også regnet som en undergruppe av Nicoletiidae.
Nicoletiidae er en primært vingeløs insektgruppe. De regnes til ordenen Zygentoma. Dyrene lever underjordisk og er lyssky.
ПодсемействаНиколетиды (лат. Nicoletiidae) — семейство щетинохвосток. Распространены повсеместно[1].
Глаз нет. Вентральная сторона брюшка, как правило, с втяжными пузырьками. Голова прогнатическая, тело без чешуек, если имеются, то белые или желтоватые, не покрывают всего тела. Гиподермальный пигмент отсутствует[1].
В составе семейства:
Николетиды (лат. Nicoletiidae) — семейство щетинохвосток. Распространены повсеместно.