
Differential Diagnosis

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The superfamily Tridactyloidea can be differentiated from all other basal Caelifera by the following characters: [1] metatarsus reduced to a single tarsomere; [2] male paraproct with highly sclerotized basal hook-like process and distal cerciform lobes (secondarily lost in Cylindrachetidae); and [3] presence of abdominal repugnatorial glands (Heads 2010). Other characters traditionally used to define the superfamily are also present in Tetrigidae and may united these two groups (see "Evolution & Systematics" section).
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Phylogenetic Relationships

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Tridactyloidea share several morphological characters in common with the Tetrigidae, namely: [1] pro- and mesotarsi with only two tarsomeres; [2] absence of arolia; and [3] the pronotum connected directly to the prosternum by means of a precoxal bridge. Moreover, male tetrigids also possess a simple subgenital plate lacking styli and formed from the ninth abdominal sternite, as in Tridactyloidea. In both groups, the tegmina are markedly reduced or entirely absent and, when present, the hind wings always have M closely associated or fused with R for most of its length and Cu deeply forked (branching near the wing base). In addition, the anal lobe of the hind wing is typically large and well-developed, with numerous unbranched anal veins.

Morphological evidence suggests a relationship between Tridactyloidea and Tetrigidae (Heads 2010), though to date, molecular studies (e.g. Rowell & Flook 1998; Flook et al. 1999). have failed to resolve a tridactyloid+tetrigid clade. Clearly, more research is needed to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of these groups (see Heads 2010 for more detailed discussion of the conflict between morphological and molecular data with respect to the phylogeny of basal Caelifera).
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Tridactyloidea Brullé, 1835

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Members of the superfamily Tridactyloidea are generally small, obscure orthopterans of cryptic habits, characterised by their highly derived morphology, which is remarkably convergent on that of certain Grylloidea. Indeed, the tridactyloids were historically classified with the true mole crickets in the family Gryllotalpidae (e.g. Audinet- Serville 1838; Tillyard 1926; Tindale 1928), though their caeliferan identity was demonstrated beyond any doubt by Ander (1934). In terms of their taxonomy, the Tridactyloidea are one of the best known of the basal Caelifera, having been the focus of numerous careful revisionary studies by the late Kurt K. Günther (e.g. 1969, 1972, 1977, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994a,b, 1995).

The superfamily as presently defined (sensu Heads, 2010) includes three families: Cylindrachetidae Giglio-Tos, 1914 (sandgropers); Ripipterygidae Ander, 1939 (ripipterygids); and Tridactylidae Brullé, 1835 (pygmy mole crickets). Monophyly of the group is supported by a number of morphological characters including: the subgenital plate simple, lacking styli and formed from the ninth abdominal sternite in both sexes; development of abdominal repugnatorial glands; metatarsus reduced to a single tarsomere; and males with a bipartite paraproct, bearing highly sclerotized basal hooks and distinctive distal cerciform lobes (lost in Cylindrachetidae) (see Heads 2009, 2010).
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provided by wikipedia EN

Tridactyloidea[1] is a superfamily in the order Orthoptera. The insects are sometimes known as pygmy mole crickets but they are Caelifera and not members of the mole cricket suborder Ensifera, unlike the true mole crickets, the Gryllotalpidae. It is composed of three families that contain a total of about 50 species. Insects in this superfamily can be 4 to 9 millimeters in length and generally have short antennae and long wings. They live along the banks of bodies of water in tropical areas and are good swimmers and jumpers. Fossils of this subfamily have been found in Siberian deposits dating back to the Cretaceous.[2][3]


According to the Orthoptera Species File there are three families:

  • Cylindrachetidae Giglio-Tos, 1914: "sandgropers" of Australia, Papua New Guinea and South America
  • Ripipterygidae Ander, 1939: "mud crickets" of central and South America
  • Tridactylidae Brullé, 1835: "pygmy mole crickets" in many (especially tropical) areas.


  1. ^ Brullé GA (1835) In Audouin & Brullé: Histoire naturelle des insectes 9 [1] (5):1-225 [225–416 in 1836]
  2. ^ Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (1979). Great Soviet Encyclopedia (in Russian) (3rd ed.). Macmillan Publishers.
  3. ^ Otte, Daniel (1997). Tetrigoidea and Tridactyloidea. The Orthopterists' Society and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. p. 261.
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Tridactyloidea: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Tridactyloidea is a superfamily in the order Orthoptera. The insects are sometimes known as pygmy mole crickets but they are Caelifera and not members of the mole cricket suborder Ensifera, unlike the true mole crickets, the Gryllotalpidae. It is composed of three families that contain a total of about 50 species. Insects in this superfamily can be 4 to 9 millimeters in length and generally have short antennae and long wings. They live along the banks of bodies of water in tropical areas and are good swimmers and jumpers. Fossils of this subfamily have been found in Siberian deposits dating back to the Cretaceous.

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Tridactyloidea ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Los tridactiloideos (Tridactyloidea) son una superfamilia de insectos ortópteros celíferos.[1]


Según Orthoptera Species File (30 de marzo de 2010:[2]


  • Brullé, 1835 : Orthoptères et Hémiptères. Histoire naturelle des Insectes traitant de leur organisation et de leurs mœurs en général, par M.V. Audouin, et comprenant leur classification et la description des espèces par M. A. Brullé, F.D. Pillot, vol. 9, Paris 1-230.

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Tridactyloidea: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Los tridactiloideos (Tridactyloidea) son una superfamilia de insectos ortópteros celíferos.​

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Tridactyloidea ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Les Tridactyloidea sont une super-famille d'insectes orthoptères[1].

Liste des familles

Selon Orthoptera Species File (28 juin 2018)[2] :

Publication originale

  • Brullé, 1835 : Orthoptères et Hémiptères. Histoire naturelle des Insectes traitant de leur organisation et de leurs mœurs en général, par M.V. Audouin, et comprenant leur classification et la description des espèces par M. A. Brullé, F.D. Pillot, vol. 9, Paris p. 1-230.

Notes et références

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Tridactyloidea: Brief Summary ( French )

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Les Tridactyloidea sont une super-famille d'insectes orthoptères.

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Tridactyloidea ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Tridactyloidea zijn een superfamilie van rechtvleugelige insecten die behoren tot de kortsprietigen.


De volgende families zijn bij de superfamilie ingedeeld:

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Tridactyloidea: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Tridactyloidea zijn een superfamilie van rechtvleugelige insecten die behoren tot de kortsprietigen.

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Триперстовые ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Латинское название Tridactyloidea

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 650499 NCBI 70916

Трипе́рстовые[1][2] (Tridactyloidea) — надсемейство короткоусых прямокрылых насекомых. Монофилия группы подтверждается многочисленными морфологическими признаками: [1] простернум соединяется прямо с пронотумом через прекоксальные кили; [2] передние лапки состоят из 2 члеников, присоединённых к внутренней поверхности передних голеней; [3] средние лапки состоят из двух тарзомер; [4] задние лапки всегда редуцированные и состоят только из одного членика; [5] аролии отсутствуют; [6] брюшко состоит из 9 полностью склеротизированных стернитов у обоих полов, девятый стернит формирует простую субгенитальную пластинку.[3]


Tridactyloidea это древняя группа насекомых, хотя её ископаемые представители очень редки.[3] Самые древние тридактилоиды известны из раннего мела Центральной Азии (Забайкалье, Монголия), Бразилии и южной Англии (Sharov 1968;[4] Martins-Neto 1990;[5] Gorochov 1992;[6] Gorochov et al. 2006[7]).


Включает 3 семейства:[3]

См. также


  1. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 24. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  2. Биологический энциклопедический словарь / Гл. ред. М. С. Гиляров; Редкол.: А. А. Баев, Г. Г. Винберг, Г. А. Заварзин и др. — М.: Сов. энциклопедия, 1986. — С. 645. — 831 с. — 100 000 экз.
  3. 1 2 3 Heads, Sam W. 2009. A new pygmy mole cricket in Cretaceous amber from Burma (Orthoptera: Tridactylidae). Архивировано 21 февраля 2014 года. Denisia 26, zugleich Kataloge der oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen Neue Serie 86 (2009): 75-82
  4. Sharov A. G. (1968): Phylogeny of the Orthopteroidea. — Trudy Paleontol. Inst. Nauk, 251 pp.
  5. Martins-Neto R. G. (1990): Um novo gênero e duas novas espécies de Tridactylidae (Insecta, Orthopteroidea) na Formação Santana (Cretáceo Inferior do nordeste do Brasil). — Ann. Acad. Brasileira Ciên. 62: 51-59.
  6. Gorochov A. V. (1992): New fossil Orthoptera and Phasmoptera from the Mesozoic and Cainozoic of Mongolia. — Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol’skaya Paleontol. Eksped. Trudy 41: 117—121.
  7. Gorochov A. V., E. A. Jarzembowski & R. A. Coram (2006): Grasshoppers and crickets (Insecta: Orthoptera) from the Lower Cretaceous of southern England. — Cret. Res. 27: 641—662.
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Триперстовые: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Трипе́рстовые (Tridactyloidea) — надсемейство короткоусых прямокрылых насекомых. Монофилия группы подтверждается многочисленными морфологическими признаками: [1] простернум соединяется прямо с пронотумом через прекоксальные кили; [2] передние лапки состоят из 2 члеников, присоединённых к внутренней поверхности передних голеней; [3] средние лапки состоят из двух тарзомер; [4] задние лапки всегда редуцированные и состоят только из одного членика; [5] аролии отсутствуют; [6] брюшко состоит из 9 полностью склеротизированных стернитов у обоих полов, девятый стернит формирует простую субгенитальную пластинку.

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