Diagnostic Description
provided by Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Body ovoid, anterior end slightly truncated, 45 (35-55) µm long and 32 (25-45) µm wide.
Oral cavity with cytopharyngeal fibres (basket, CB), 25% of body length (Fig 1,5,6); circumoral ciliature oblique (Fig 1, OD); the brosse consists of 3 adoral rows of dikinetids (AO), AO1 consists of 2 rows of 5-6 kinetosomes, AO2 and AO3 consist of 2 rows of 8-9 kinetosomes (Fig 1,7); however, this character is difficult to observe and is not visible in Lugol?s fixed material.
46-52 somatic kineties of 35-40 monokinetids, 3 of the kineties end prior to the brosse; last 20% of the body unciliated except for 3 caudal cilia (Fig 1).
One elongate macronucleus, positioned around the oral cavity (Fig 1,5,6).
Foissner W, Pfister G (1997) Taxonomic and ecologic revision of Urotrichs (Ciliophora, Prostomatida) with three or more caudal cilia, including a user-friendly key. Limnologica 27:311-34
- bibliographic citation
- Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
- author
- David J.S. Montagnes
Brief Summary
provided by Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Urotricha cyrtonucleata has not been described from UK waters yet. However, we find large Urotricha species that match these general characteristic features and one of them may be U. cyrtonucleata. As observation of the brosse is required to identify these ciliate species, and this structure cannot be seen in Lugol?s fixed material, we recommend that Urotricha is identified only to the genus level from Lugol?s fixed samples.
- bibliographic citation
- Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
- author
- David J.S. Montagnes
Trophic Strategy
provided by Harmful Phytoplankton Project
- bibliographic citation
- Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
- author
- David J.S. Montagnes
Comprehensive Description
provided by Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Cell ovoid, anterior slightly truncated, most of the cell with short (3-4 µm long) cilia, posterior 20% of the cell unciliated except for 3 caudal cilia; oral cavity centric, with funnel-shaped cytopharyngeal fibres (basket); one elongate macronucleus, positioned around the cytopharynx
- bibliographic citation
- Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
- author
- David J.S. Montagnes
provided by Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Temperature: 10 ºC
Salinity: 22-25 ?
- bibliographic citation
- Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
- author
- David J.S. Montagnes
provided by Harmful Phytoplankton Project
Fast swimming
- bibliographic citation
- Guide to UK Coastal Planktonic Ciliates © 2001 DJS Montagnes, University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk/ciliate/
- author
- David J.S. Montagnes