
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Bauhinia andrieuxii Hemsl. Diag. PI. Nov. 48. 1880
A shrub, the very slender branches tuberculate, glabrous, the young twigs and petioles densely puberulent or tomentulose. Stipules minute; petioles filiform, about 15 mm. long, or shorter; leaves suborbicular, or broader than long, small, 4-17 mm. long, subcordate, 9-nerved, subraembranous, deeply 2-lobed, glabrous above, puberulent beneath, at least on the nerves, the lobes rounded; flowers solitary or few together; pedicels short; calyx spathaceous, about 18 mm. long; petals broadly elliptic, short-clawed, about 8 mm. long; stamens 10, all perfect, the alternate ones shorter; ovary hirsute; young legume browii-tomentose, linear, shortstipitate.
Type locality: Near Oaxaca. Distribution: Oaxaca.
bibliographic citation
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora