
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Chimarra (Curgia) pablito

Chimarra undescribed sp. “C” (nr. spangleri Trivette Ms).—McElravy et al., 1981:152.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, and 4–6 mm. Color dark brown; appendages pale brown; forewing dark brown, with scattered, golden spots. Claws of male foreleg not noticeably asymmetrical.

Male Genitalia: Eighth sternum nearly parallel-sided; tergum with posterior margin barely produced and slightly indented mesally. Ninth sternum produced anteroventrally; with large posteromesal keel; with dorsal extension rod-like and free in lateral aspect, curved posteriad over tenth tergum. Cercus short, clavate. Tenth tergum with tip entire; apex curved dorsad, rounded, in dorsal aspect tip with small anteromesal excision; with sensillae. Clasper elongate, tapering apicad in lateral aspect; in ventral aspect, with apex slightly produced mesad. Phallus tubular, inflated basally; internally with a small rod-and-ring assembly and a pair of short, black spines.

MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: COSTA RICA [PCIA. CARTAGO], Turrialba, 15–19 Jul 1965, P.J. Spangler. NMNH Type.

Paratypes: Same data as holotype, 4, 3 same, but 2–5 Nov 1967, E.L. Todd, 1. Quebrada Relleno, La Cruzada, 20 Jun 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1. Chitaria, 19 Jun 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1. Tuis, 18 Jun 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1. Río Chitaria, route 10, 10 km NW Río Reventazón, 9.920°N, 83.604°W, 740 m, 21 Mar 1991, Holzenthal et al., 5, 6 (INBIO, UMSP). Pejibaye, 22–24 Mar 1987, W.E. Steiner, 1.

PCIA. ALAJUELA, Reserva Forestal San Ramon, Rio San Lorencito and tribs., 10.216°N, 84.607°W, 980 m, 13–16 Jun 1988, Flint et al., 17, 12 same, but 2–4 Jul 1986, Holzenthal et al., 16 14 (UMSP); same, but 1–4 May 1990, 2, 5 (UMSP); same, but 28–30 Jul 1990, 2, 4 (UMSP); same, but 6–10 Mar 1991, 23, 16 (UMSP); same, but 30 Mar-1 Apr 1987, 63 (UMSP); same, but 24–27 Feb 1987, I. and A. Chacón, 4 (INBIO); same, but 5–9 Jul 1986, 3 (INBIO); same, but 1–4 Oct 1986, 3, 1 (INBIO); same, but Dec 1986, 6 (INBIO). Cerro Campana, Río Bochinche trib., 6 km (air) NW Dos Ríos, 10.945°N, 85.413°W, 600 m, 22–23 Jul 1987, Holzenthal et al., 7 (INBIO, NMNH, UMSP); same, but 15–16 Mar 1986, 1 (UMSP). Río Sarapiqui, ∼2 km SE Cariblanco, 10.299°N, 82.172°W, 22 Jun 1986, 710 m, Holzenthal et al., 1, 2 (UMSP).

PCIA. LIMÓN, Río Telire and small trib., SE Suretka, 9.554°N, 82.892°W, 48 m, 1 Feb 1986, Holzenthal et al., 1 (UMSP). Quebrada Gonzaléz, Parque Nacional Braulio Carillo, 10.160°N, 83.939°W, 480 m, 12–14 May 1990, Holzenthal and Blahnik, 4, 1 (UMSP).

PCIA. PUNTARENAS, Parque Nacional Corcovado, Piedra el Arco, 8.582°N, 83.709°W, 20 m, 10–11 Apr 1989, Holzenthal and Blahnik, 1 (UMSP). Río Jaba at rock quarry 1.4 km (air) W Las Cruces, 8.79°N, 82.9°W, 1150 m, 9 Aug 1990, Holzenthal et al., 4 (NMNH, UMSP); same, but 15 Mar 1991, 2 (UMSP).

PCIA. SAN JOSÉ, Reserva Biologica Carara, Río del Sur, 1.5 km (rd.) S of Carara, 9.769°N, 84.531°W, 160 m, 13 Mar 1991, Holzenthal and Blahnik, 1, 2 (UMSP).

PANAMA, PCIA. CHIRIQUI, Fortuna Dam Site, nr. Hornitos, 8°55′N, 82°16′W, 1050 m, 10 Nov 1976–20 Dec 1976, H. Wolda, 13 same, but 10 Aug-15 Nov 1977, 2. PCIA. COCLÉ, El Potroso, 10 km NE El Copé, 2500′ [750 m], 4 Nov 1980, Univ. Panama Student Collection, 2. El Valle, 15 Jul 1967, O.S. Flint, Jr., 2, 3. [PCIA. PANAMA] Cerro Campana, 11–14 Jul 1967, O.S. Flint, Jr., 3 14. Pipeline Road, Río Frijoles, 6–7 Jul 1967, Flint and Ortiz, 1. Barro Colorado Island, 1–9 May 1964, S.S. and W.D. Duckworth, 1, 1 same, but 10–17 May 1964, 1; same, but 25–28 Mar 1965, 1; same, but 3 Dec, M. Bates, 2 (MCZ); same, but 22 Nov, 1 (MCZ); same, but Jul 1967, W.W. Wirth, 1; same, but Marker 3, Snyder-Molino Trail, various dates 4 Mar 1987–9 Apr 1991, H. Wolda, light trap, 386, 528. COMARCA DE SANBLAS, Nusigandi, 9°20′N, 78°56′W, 1–6 Mar 1985, Flint and Louton, 3, 3.

MAP 16.—Distributions of Chimarra (Curgia) pablito, new species, Chimarra (Curgia) macara, new species, Chimarra (Curgia) pulchra (Hagen), and Chimarra (Curgia) acinaciformis, new species.

ECUADOR, PCIA. PICHINCHA, via Puerto Quito at km 113, 24 Jun 1976, J. Cohen, 1. Río Umachaca, Forestry Station Maquipucuna, ∼5 km E Nanegal, 0°075′N, 78°37′W, 1250 m, 4–5 Sep 1990, O.S. Flint, Jr., 1 same, but seep 0.5 km S Station, 1300 m, 5 Sep 1990, 1.

ETYMOLOGY.—Patronym in honor of Paul J. Spangler, collector of first seen examples of the species.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1998. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LIII: A Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Curgia of the Genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.594