Image of Salganea anisodonta Wang, Shi, Wang & Che 2014
Unresolved name

Salganea anisodonta Wang, Shi, Wang & Che 2014


provided by Zookeys
Male. Body dark reddish brown (Fig. 5). Face black, eyes dark brown, ocelli yellowish, upper lip and mandible brown; antennae, labial palpi and maxillary palpomeres dark brown. Legs reddish brown with coxae and trochanter brown. Abdominal sternites reddish brown, darker caudally (Fig. 6). Vertex exposed and without punctures. Face punctulated, ocelli round and with border distinct. Anterior margin of pronotum with a V-shaped excision mesially, a small recurved tubercle on the each side of the indentation; anterior 1/3 half of pronotum depressed, the floor densely granular; lateral and posterior half punctured, with a pair of small tubercles in the middle (Fig. 29). Tegmina and wings mutilated, probably well developed (Fig. 5). Radial vein of tegmen with a long apical posterior branch mesially, which is branched at apex and with an accessory branch; the median vein branched before the midline (Fig. 82). Hind wing with subcostal vein branched at apical part; radial vein bifurcated at apex and forked medially; median vein simple; cubitus with 6 complete and 5 incomplete branches (Fig. 91). Anterior ventral margin of front femur without spines, hind margin with a large distal spine. Abdominal tergites punctured, the punctures denser and larger laterally; T7 with coarse surface scattered with sparse setae, and with circular depressions laterally, lateral margin crenulate, caudal angles oblique and tapering (Fig. 30). T6–T7 with small holes on the anterolateral corners, which is associated with minute sparse hairs in the openings. Abdominal sternites densely punctured; hind margin of S7 slightly convex and subgenital plate weakly exposed (Fig. 31). Supra-anal plate extremely coarse, hirsute and covered with depressions similar to T7 in density; hind margin with 7-8 relatively separated teeth, which have an uneven border with lateral ones larger than teeth in the middle, or two fused together; lateral angles equal or larger than the biggest tooth between them. Cercus basiconic, with ventral side swollen and with setae ventrally and dorsally (Fig. 32). Anterior margin of subgenital plate slightly concave or more or less straight, lateral margin curved inwards (Fig. 33). Male genitalia. Genital phallomere L1 reduced to a small plate (Fig. 34); L2d tapering and bifurcated apically, major branch with apex rounded and a little larger than the lateral one (Fig. 35); R2 developed and curved, hook-shaped, with apex obtuse and slightly swollen (Fig. 36). Female. Anterior margin of pronotum with smaller tubercles than male and the tubercles not recurved. Nymph. Unknown.
Xiudan Wang, Yan Shi, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
bibliographic citation
Wang X, Shi Y, Wang Z, Che Y (2014) Revision of the genus Salganea Stål (Blattodea, Blaberidae, Panesthiinae) from China, with descriptions of three new species ZooKeys 412: 59–87
Xiudan Wang
Yan Shi
Zongqing Wang
Yanli Che
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