
Pegomyia haemorrhoa

Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Pegomyia haemorrhoa (Zetterstedt)
Anthomyza haemorrhoa Zetterstedt, Ins. Lapp., p. 692, 1838.
Aricia transversalis Zetterstedt, Dipt. Scand., IV, p. 1538, 1845. Siebke, Enum.
Insect. Norveg., p. 112, 1877. Aricia icterica Holmgren, Ofvers. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Forhandl., (1872), xxix, nr. 6,
p. 102, 1873. Anthomyia haemorrhoa Neuhaus, Diptera marchica, p. 227, 1886.
Phorbia intersecta Meade, Entom. Month. Mag., II, ser. 4, p. 222, 1893.
Aricia {Phorbia) icterica Lundbeck, Vidensk. Medd. naturh. Foren. Kbh., 11,
p. 286, 1900. Anthomyia (Pegomyia) haemorrhoa Pandelle, Rev. Ent. France, xx, p. 298, 1901. Phorbia icterica Aldrich, Misc. Coll. Smithsn. Inst., xlvi, no. 1444, p. 556, 1905. Pegomyia haemorrhoa Stein, Wien. Ent. Zeitg., xxv, p. 102, 1906. Stein, Arch. f.
Naturgesch., (1913), lxxix, (A), hft. 8, p. 35, 1914. Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch.,
(1915), lxxxi, (A), hft. 10, p. 131, 1916. Ringdahl, Tromso Museums Arshefter,
xlix, (1926), nr. 3, p. 33, 1928. Ringdahl, K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Skrift.
Naturskydds., nr. 18, pt. Ill, p. 21, 1931. Tiensuu, Acta Soc. Faun. Flor. Fennica,
lviii, no. 4, p. 28, 1935. Seguy, Gen. Insect., fasc. 205, p. 56, 1937. Carpenter
and Holm, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 11, in, p. 71, 1939. Chortophila icterica Stein, Kat. Palaark. Dipt., in, p. 718, 1907. Pegomyia (Pegomyia) transversalis Schnabl and Dziedzicki, Abh. K. Leop. -Carol.
Deutsch. Akad. Naturforsch., xcv, nr. 2, p. 112, 191 1. Pegomyia (Pegomyia) haemorrhoa Seguy, Faune de France, vi, p. 160, 1923. Karl,
Tierwelt Deutschlands, xni, pt. 3, p. 130, 1928. Ringdahl, Ent. Tidskr., lix,
hft. 3-4, p. 200, 1938. Hylemyia icterica Seguy, Gen. Insect., fasc. 205, p. 96, 1937.
The species haemorrhoa is recorded by Carpenter and Holm (1939) as occurring in North East Greenland from specimens identified by Dr. F. W. Edwards. In my opinion the separate sexes of the same species had been previously recorded among the fauna of Greenland by Holmgren (1873) and Lundbeck (1900) under the name icterica from specimens taken in North Greenland and on its western littoral. I have seen what I consider to be another specimen of this species from Katmai, Alaska, collected by Professor J. S. Hine.
The series of specimens representing icterica, including Lundbeck's cotypes, are deposited in the Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen. Through the kindness of Doctor Lundbeck and Doctor Henriksen I have been able to study this material, and it seems evident from what I have seen of these forms that their superficial appearance may vary widely according to the extent and degree of infuscation on thorax, abdomen and legs. There are slight differences observable in the comparative extent to which parafrontals, parafacials and length of prealar bristle may be developed in the males of icterica as exemplified in the above series and those of haemorrhoa as represented by Swedish
specimens, but I do not believe that such differences are of specific value. All the specimens of icterica and haemorrhoa that I have seen agree in having the same characteristic form and color to the copulatory appendages. In this respect the species may be linked to vanduzeei and the european fly versicolor (Meigen). In vanduzeei the palpi are yellowish, whereas in the other two species the palpi are largely fuscous.
Alaska: i d Katmai, June 1917, (J. S. Hine).
Greenland: i d Orpiksuit, July 16 1890; 7 , 1 9, Haklahavn, July 30 1892, (W. Lundbeck), [Z. M. U. C.].
bibliographic citation
Huckett, H.C. 1941. A Revision of the North American Species Belonging to the Genus Pegomyia (Diptera: Muscidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 10. Philadelphia, USA