Species: Vanwykia remota (Baker & Sprague) Wiens Date: 2014-06-24 Location: Nhascuvo Ranger Camp, Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Large pendant plant in Xeroderris stuhlmannii tree at margin of riverine forest.
Species: Vanwykia remota (Baker & Sprague) Wiens Date: 2014-06-24 Location: Nhascuvo Ranger Camp, Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Large pendant plant in Xeroderris stuhlmannii tree at margin of riverine forest.
Species: Vanwykia remota (Baker & Sprague) Wiens Date: 2014-06-24 Location: Nhascuvo Ranger Camp, Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Large pendant plant in Xeroderris stuhlmannii tree at margin of riverine forest.
Species: Vanwykia remota (Baker & Sprague) Wiens Date: 2014-06-24 Location: Nhascuvo Ranger Camp, Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Large pendant plant in Xeroderris stuhlmannii tree at margin of riverine forest.
Species: Vanwykia remota (Baker & Sprague) Wiens Date: 2014-06-24 Location: Nhascuvo Ranger Camp, Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park. Habitat: Large pendant plant in Xeroderris stuhlmannii tree at margin of riverine forest.