
Acanthocorbis camarensis Hara et al. 1996

Description of Acanthocorbis camarensis

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Cells solitary. Protoplast when dried 2.5-3.5 microns x 1.5-2.0 microns, flagellum about 8 microns long surrounded by a collar. Lorica obpyriform with waist, consists of anterior projections and lorica chamber, 12-16 microns in length. Diameter of the lorica is maximum (6.3-7.3 microns) at the anterior projection, about 5.3-6.0 microns at the first transverse costa and 3.5-4.0 microns at the waist. Each of the 10-14 anterior projections consists of two costal strips which connect with the longitudinal costa which is constructed of two costal strips. Lorica chamber consists of anterior and posterior chambers. The anterior chamber is constructed with regularly arranged longitudinal costae and the first transverse costa, which is located at the anterior end of the longitudinal costae. Costal strips overlap greatly at the first transverse costa. Posterior chamber is constructed of more or less disarranged longitudinal costae and many supplemental costal strips. Protoplast is located at the posterior chamber. A waist exists at the boundary of the anterior and the posterior chambers. All the costal strips are narrow rods.
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