Microseridinae is a subtribe of Cichorieae in the sunflower family Asteraceae.
Microseridinae genera recognized by the Global Compositae Database as of June 2022:[1]
Microseridinae is a subtribe of Cichorieae in the sunflower family Asteraceae.
Microseridinae genera recognized by the Global Compositae Database as of June 2022:
Agoseris Anisocoma Atrichoseris Calycoseris Chaetadelpha Glyptopleura Krigia Lygodesmia Malacothrix Marshalljohnstonia Microseris Munzothamnus Nothocalais Picrosia Pinaropappus Pleiacanthus Prenanthella Pyrrhopappus Rafinesquia Shinnersoseris Stephanomeria Uropappus