Figures 1–6.Photomicrographs (1, 2, 4, 5) and line drawings (3, 6) of holotype of Burmonyx zigrasi Davis and Engel, sp. n. (JZC-Bu228). 1 Dorso-lateral view of specimen inclusion, arrow pointing to antennal scape 2 Slightly more dorsal view of specimen than in figure 1, arrow pointing to scutellary striole 3 Line drawing of specimen (scale bar only applies to this figure) 4 Legs, arrows pointing to appendiculate, nearly bifid pretarsal claws 5 Enlargement of legs, arrows pointing to metatibia and metatarsomeres 6 Illustration of metatarsus.
Figures 1–6.Photomicrographs (1, 2, 4, 5) and line drawings (3, 6) of holotype of Burmonyx zigrasi Davis and Engel, sp. n. (JZC-Bu228). 1 Dorso-lateral view of specimen inclusion, arrow pointing to antennal scape 2 Slightly more dorsal view of specimen than in figure 1, arrow pointing to scutellary striole 3 Line drawing of specimen (scale bar only applies to this figure) 4 Legs, arrows pointing to appendiculate, nearly bifid pretarsal claws 5 Enlargement of legs, arrows pointing to metatibia and metatarsomeres 6 Illustration of metatarsus.