Description: Aloe aristata—lace aloe. "This small aloe is often cultivated as a house plant. It produces offsets regularly that can be carefully detached and replanted. If the offset has only a few roots, it is better to wait a few days to make sure that all the cuts are dry before replanting it. There is anecdotal evidence that plants kept in smaller pots produce more offsets. the Pondo people use the juice of Aloe aristata mixed with water to wash their bodies for its tonic and refreshing effect."—Be Amazed website "Aristata" means "awned", a feature readily observable in the focus stack. Date: 24 May 2014, 16:23. Source:
2014-05-24-15.24.54 ZS PMax Aloe aristata. Author:
John Rusk from Berkeley, CA, United States of America.