Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America   cc-by-nc-sa-3.0

Gryllus assimilis (Jamaican Field Cricket) is a species of Orthoptera in the family true crickets.

EOL has data for 12 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Jamaican Field Cricket. View this species on GBIF
Jamaican Field CricketGreen JayAmerican PipitEastern BluebirdSmooth-billed AniSeminole BatPeruvian groundcherryHawaiian CrowParanomala cinctaAustralian solanum psyllidHeterogomphus dilaticollisCyclocephala fulgurataLeptocoris tagalicusDarth Maul BugAndean Gardener Bumble BeeManopus biguttatusBobwhite Quail

Trophic Web

data from GloBI