Indoplanorbis exustus is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Planorbidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1834 door Deshayes.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties印度扁卷螺属(学名:Indoplanorbis)為一種會呼吸空氣的淡水螺的一個屬,屬於軟體動物門腹足綱有肺類扁蜷科的动物。本屬的唯一物種為印度扁卷螺(Indoplanorbis exustus)。本物種廣泛分佈於熱帶地區,包括印度、缅甸、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亞、泰国、马来西亚以及中国大陆的云南等地,主要生活于湖泊沿岸带、池塘以及沼泽地等淡水和微咸水域[7]。本物種是多種寄生吸虫的重要中間宿主[10]。其入侵性本質及環境的高容耐度使之成為醫學上及獸醫學上的重要研究課題[10]。
儘管本物種有着悠久的歷史和廣泛的地理分佈範圍,牠們一直都被認為是屬內唯一的物種[10];而過往亦有文獻建議本屬跟其他關係較密切的屬合併。然而,Liu et al. (2010)根據系統地理學研究[10],發現在系統發育方面,印度分支和東南亞分支之間有相當的分歧;加上棲息地和寄生蟲學的差異,表明這個物種實際可能由多於一個物種構成[10]。
The type locality of Indoplanorbis exustus is marshes on the coast of Malabar in southwestern India.[8]
Indoplanorbis exustus is a common snail across Southeast Asia and the Indian sub-continent.[10] The snail is also found in the Middle East (Oman[15] and Socotra[8]) and Nigeria and the Ivory Coast;[10] these findings were attributed by Brandt (1974)[16] to recent introductions by human activities (Brandt's view has been frequently cited in the literature on Indoplanorbis).[8][10][15][17] In contrast to Asia, the well documented appearance of the snail in Africa (e.g., Nigeria[11] and Ivory Coast[18]) and more recently (2002) in the Lesser Antilles,[17] is almost certainly the result of introductions through human activities over the last 50–100 years.[10]
This species is already established in the USA, and is considered to represent a potentially serious threat as a pest, an invasive species which could negatively affect agriculture, natural ecosystems, human health or commerce. Therefore it has been suggested that this species be given top national quarantine significance in the USA.[19]
Meier-Brook (1984)[20] adopted an African (Gondwanan) origin for Indoplanorbis with rafting to Asia since the Cretaceous on the northward migrating Indian craton; this author also considered a Europe to Southwest Asia tract or an Africa to South India dispersal.[10] Morgan et al. (2002)[21] attributed the occurrence of Indoplanorbis in India to colonization (from Africa) via the Middle East land connection.[10] Clearly the two different dispersal mechanisms imply very different chronologies; the Gondwanan vicariance hypothesis implies that proto-Indoplanorbis has been present in India since the late Eocene (35 Ma; India: Asia collision), whereas dispersal via the Sinai-Levant suggests a Plio-Pleistocene arrival.[10] The results by Liu et al. (2010) indicated a radiation beginning in the late Miocene with a divergence of an ancestral bulinine lineage into Assam and peninsular India clades.[10] A Southeast Asian clade diverged from the peninsular India clade late-Pliocene; this clade then radiated at a much more rapid pace to colonize all of the sampled range of Indoplanorbis in the mid-Pleistocene.[10]
與其他同屬扁卷螺科的物種一樣,其外殼都是平旋壳,但其實是螺把殼上下顛倒來揹在身上,使左旋的外殼看起來像是右旋。本物種的外殼呈圓盤形,所以[螺層(英语:whorl (mollusc))大小的增長很快[8]。每個螺層的高比其闊增長得較快[8]:其闊約為 5[11]-25 mm[8],其高約為 4.5[11]-13 mm[8]。
Planorbella duryi 跟 Biomphalaria pfeifferi 的外殼非常相似[11]。
基於本物種的廣泛地理分佈,Indoplanorbis exustus have been studied, such as its calcium regulation[22] and its hemocytes.[23]
In captivity Indoplanorbis exustus can be reared on lettuce[24] and spinach.[25] Its diet is sometimes supplemented with sheep's liver[25] and it can be given rat food to prepare for breeding.[25]
The snail is found in small ponds, pools, and less commonly in rice paddy fields.[10] The snail may also occur in semi-permanent pools formed in flooded areas of fields, where it can survive the dry season buried in mud.[10] The desiccation tolerance of adult snails is high, while the resistance of juvenile snails is very low.[26] Consequently, dispersal may occur in clumps of mud adhered to the bodies of cattle or across water in vegetation mats. It is possible it could be transported by birds.[10]
Indoplanorbis exustus is a hermaphroditic invasive snail species with high fecundity.[10] Within one year of introduction the snail is able to colonize habitats with well established populations of other pulmonate and prosobranch snails.[10] The snail requires a water temperature in excess of 15 °C for maturation.[10] At the optimum temperature of 30 °C each snail can lay up to 800 eggs.[10] There is from 2 to 43 eggs in one cluster with an average 20 eggs in one cluster.[27] The capacity for self-fertilization and high fecundity probably underlies the invasive potential of the species.[10] The average life span of Indoplanorbis exustus is 4 months[27] and during this time it lays about 60 egg clusters.[27]
現時本物種並沒有已知的天敵,不過有文獻透過實驗去測試一些物種會否進食印度扁卷螺的卵。Raut & Aditya (2002)在實驗裡讓一種屬於南美洲福壽螺科的Pomacea bridgesii去攻擊和進食印度扁卷螺的卵,以期望未來可以讓這種福壽螺來控制印度扁卷螺的數量[27]。
Indoplanorbis is of economic importance in that it is responsible for the transmission of several species of the genus Schistosoma which infect cattle and cause reduced livestock productivity.[10] The snail is also of medical importance as a source of cercarial dermatitis among rural workers, particularly in India.[10]
Indoplanorbis exustus is best known as the intermediate host responsible for the transmission of Schistosoma nasale and S. spindale, as well as other trematodes such as Echinostoma spp. and some spirorchids.[10] A third species of Schistosoma, S. indicum (Montgomery, 1906), is also transmitted by I. exustus.[10] Other snails have been implicated in transmission of these three Schistosoma species (such as Lymnaea luteola, a host for S. indicum and S. nasale, and L. acuminata, a host for S. nasale and S. spindale), I. exustus is the most important host for S. nasale and S. spindale, as well as for S. indicum in certain regions. I. exustus may be the sole natural intermediate host for these three Schistosoma species on the Indian sub-continent.[10]
Indoplanorbis exustus is also an intermediate host for:
Indoplanorbis exustus has been implicated in outbeaks of cercarial dermatitis in human populations in India, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand.[10] Cercarial dermatitis results from the cutaneous allergic reaction in people exposed to larval schistosomes (cercariae) shed by infected snails into freshwater bodies such as lakes, ponds, and paddy fields.[10] The cercariae cause pruritis and papular eruptions, with often severe secondary infections, as they attempt to infect a non-permissive definitive host and die in the skin.[10]
一種在印度生長的大戟科植物紅雀珊瑚(Pedilanthus tithymaloides)可用作植物性殺螺劑,有助對抗印度扁卷螺[29]。
黄果茄的酒精提取物亦可對本物種(LC50 = 198.00 mg/L and LC90 = 236.80 mg/L)[30]。
此外,另一種大戟科物種虎刺梅(Euphorbia milii),其雜交物種株的乳汁對於本物種的活躍度有所抑制,也可作殺螺劑使用[31]。除了虎刺梅的雜交種,印度的科學家Singh & Sunil在2005年發表的文獻亦研究過黃花夾竹桃(Cascabela thevetia)、黑板樹(Alstonia scholaris)兩種夾竹桃科植物及另一種較常見的大戟科植物一品紅(Euphorbia pulcherrima)的乳汁對印度扁卷螺的抑制效果[32]。
本條目包括部分來自以CC 2.0分享的參考文獻開源內容。
Raut 2002
印度扁卷螺属(学名:Indoplanorbis)為一種會呼吸空氣的淡水螺的一個屬,屬於軟體動物門腹足綱有肺類扁蜷科的动物。本屬的唯一物種為印度扁卷螺(Indoplanorbis exustus)。本物種廣泛分佈於熱帶地區,包括印度、缅甸、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亞、泰国、马来西亚以及中国大陆的云南等地,主要生活于湖泊沿岸带、池塘以及沼泽地等淡水和微咸水域。本物種是多種寄生吸虫的重要中間宿主。其入侵性本質及環境的高容耐度使之成為醫學上及獸醫學上的重要研究課題。
インドヒラマキガイ(印度平巻貝)、学名 Indoplanorbis exustus は、インドや東南アジアを原産とする有肺類の巻貝の一種。
インドヒラマキガイ(印度平巻貝)、学名 Indoplanorbis exustus は、インドや東南アジアを原産とする有肺類の巻貝の一種。