T. nigra; abdomine nigro-piceo; segmento basali supra, abdomine subtus albis.
Worker. Length 1 2/3 line. Head and thorax black; the extreme base of the scape, and the flagellum rufo-fuscous; the tips of the mandibles ferruginous; the clypeus and lower part of the face with a cinereous pile. Thorax: narrower than the head; the mesothorax margined with short whitish pubescence, the outer margin of the tegulae rufopiceous; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures dark ferruginous; the apical joints of the tarsi pale; the posterior tibiae broadly expanded towards their apex, their upper margin thinly fringed with pale hairs, the basal joint of the tarsi clothed with golden pubescence within. Abdomen dark rufo-piceous; the basal segment white, beneath entirely so.
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak). Malacca (Mount Ophir).