Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Løvenholm Skov
Hevring Hede
Lagrasse Aude France
Mossø Rold Skov
Madum Sø V
Cerbère France
Tranum Klitplantage
Hevring Hede
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Dictyna web on yarrow plant
Figures 177–182.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species. 177 Selenops arikok sp. n. from Aruba guarding egg sac with several spiderlings inside 178 Selenops geraldinae Corronca eating a fly and guarding her egg sac on a bromeliad, Gaspar Grande Island, Trinidad and Tobago 179 Selenops willinki Corronca on a tree trunk, Little Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago. Terminal setal tufts and festoon pattern are visible 180 Selenops micropalpus Muma on the trunk of Bursera simaruba, in a dry forest, St. Lucia. Terminal setal tufts and festoon pattern are visible 181 Selenops mexicanus Keyserling on a large tree trunk outside of Cueva Actun Kan, Guatemala. Note the alternating light and dark leg annulations 182 Egg sacs of Selenops bifurcatus Banks on rocks in a wash in dry forest and thornscrub, Zacatan, Guatemala. Selenops bifurcatus sometimes guards the yellowish egg sacs, and other times does not.
Jeremy Miller, Cahyo Rahmadi
Figures 7–12.Amauropelma matakecil sp. n., female holotype (MZB.Aran.500) 7 Epigynum, ventral view. Note that the right epigynal tooth has broken off leaving a round hole; the tooth itself is lying unattached near the epigastric furrow 8 Vulva, dorsal view, left side, cleared, white arrow indicates fertilization duct 9 Right tarsus, leg I, prolateral view 10 Left tarsus, leg I, dorsal view, arrow indicates tarsal organ 11 Spinnerets, anal tubercle, and tracheal spiracle, posterior view, arrow indicates tracheal spiracle 12 Spinnerets, lateral view. ALS, anterior lateral spinneret; AT, anal tubercle; CD, copulatory duct; ET, epigynal tooth; PLS, posterior lateral spinneret; PMS, posterior median spinneret; S, spermatheca.
Mykola M. Kovblyuk, Zoya A. Kastrygina, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 75–78.Females of Haplodrassus pseudosignifer (75–76 from Crimea) and Haplodrassus signifer (77–78 from Crimea): 75, 77 epigyne, ventral view 76, 78 epigyne, dorsal view. Abbreviations: Ah anterior hood; Gr groove of epigyne; Spspermatheca.
Figures 50–56.Digital microscope photographs of emboli of Afrotropical Cambalida species in ventral view: 50 Cambalida compressa sp. n. 51 Cambalida coriacea Simon, 1909 52 Cambalida deminuta (Simon, 1909) 53 Cambalida dippenaarae sp. n. 54 Cambalida fulvipes (Simon, 1896) 55 Cambalida griswoldi sp. n. 56 Cambalida loricifera (Simon, 1885). Scale bars = 0.1mm.
Figure 71.Distribution of Copa flavoplumosa Simon, 1885 in the Afrotropical Region.
Figures 12–15.Mallinella sphaerica sp. n., 12 epigyne, ventral view 13 vulva 14 left male palp, ventral view 15 same, retrolateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (12–13); 0.5 mm (14–15).
Dan Quan, Jian Chen, Jie Liu
Figure 17.Collection localities of Sinopoda serrata (Wang, 1990) in China.
Yuri M. Marusik, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 6–12.Male palp of Cryptothele verrucosa (6–11) and Cryptothele alluaudi (12). 6 bulbus, ventral 7 bulbus, ventro-prolateral 8, 10 bulbus, retrolateral 9 bulbus, prolateral 11 palp with removed bulbus, retrolateral 12 palp, ventral (after Marusik and Omelko (2012)). Abbreviations: Co conductor; Ea terminal process of embolus; Eb embolus base; Em embolus; Ep posterior process of embolus; Sd seminal duct; Sp subtegular process; St subtegulum; Te triangle extesion of tegulum; Ts threads of subtegulum.
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 10–17.Pseudopoda acuminata sp. n., 10–13 Male (SP–SC–03–0050): 10–12 Left palp (10 prolateral 11 ventral 12 retrolateral) 13 embolus (ventral) 14–17 Female (SP–SC–03–0052): 14–16 Epigyne (14 ventral 15 dorsal 16 apical); 17 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal. Abbreviations: AB anterior bands; aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; C conductor; CD copulatory duct; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; mmLL median margin of lateral lobes; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions; S spermathecae; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Dmitri V. Logunov, Yuri M. Marusik
Figures 60–65.Copulatory organs of Eupoa lobli sp. n. (the holotype). 60 male palp, median view 61–62, 65 ditto, ventral view 63 ditto, retrolateral view 64 tegular apophysis, retrolateral view. Abbreviations as explained in ‘Material and methods’. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.
Cyril Courtial, Lionel Picard, Frédéric Ysnel, Julien Pétillon
Figure 2.Pictures of the male palp of Eustiromastix guianae. A–C male palp in lateral, retrolateral and ventral views, respectively D detail of the tibial apophysis, ventral view. MA median apophysis, E embolus. Scales: A–C 1 mm, D 0.5 mm.