Image of Lasiobelba (Antennoppia) nepalica Ermilov, Shtanchaeva, Subías & Martens 2014
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Lasiobelba (Antennoppia) nepalica Ermilov, Shtanchaeva, Subías & Martens 2014


provided by Zookeys
Measurements. Body length: 1195 (holotype, male), 996–1278 (three paratypes: two males and one female); notogaster width: 730 (holotype), 697–830 (three paratypes). Integument (Figs 10, 12). Body color light brownish. Body surface smooth, but lateral parts of prodorsum with microgranulate cerotegument (diameter granules up to 1). Prodorsum (Figs 10, 12). Rostrum widely or narrowly rounded. A row, comprising several muscle sigillae, is located in front of the bothridia. One pair of muscle sigilla in interbothridial region poorly visible. Rostral (143–164), lamellar (254–287), interlamellar (307–348), exobothridial (205–258) and bothridial (307–348) setae well developed, setiform, barbed. A pair of triangular tubercles located posteriorly to bothridia. Notogaster (Figs 10–12). Anterior border convex. Notogastral setae c and their alveoli reduced. Nine pairs of notogastral setae long, barbed; p1–p3 (184–192) shorter than h1, h2 (265–332) and others (398–464). Lyrifissures ia, im and opisthonotal gland openings (gla) poorly visible; lyrifissures ip, ih, ips present, but visible under high magnification in dissected specimens. Gnathosoma (Figs 12, 13). Subcapitulum longer than wide (266 × 199–209). Antero-medial part of rutelli with tooth (8–10). Subcapitular setae setiform, barbed; a (61–65) shorter than m and h (both 98–102). Two pairs of adoral setae (41–45) setiform, indistinctly smooth. Palps (196) with setation 0–2–1–3–8(+ω). Solenidion thickened, blunt-ended, pressed to the palptarsus surface in basal part and distal seta in distal part. Chelicerae (266) with two barbed setae; cha (86) longer than chb (53). One short tooth (4–6) located posteriorly to seta cha. Trägårdh’s organ distinct. Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions (Figs 10–12). Apodemes (1, 2, sejugal, 4) weakly developed. Epimeral setae setiform, barbed; setae 1a, 2a, 3a (69–86) shorter than 1b, 1c, 3b, 4a, 4b (114–127), 3c (205–209) and 4c (155–164). Pedotecta I normally developed, scale-like. Discidia triangular, pointed. Anogenital region (Figs 11, 14, 15). Five pairs of genital setae (g1–g3, 41–53; g4, 61–69, g5, 73–82) setiform, indistinctly barbed. One pair of aggenital (123–135), three pairs of adanal (159–172) and two pairs of anal (114–123) setae setiform, barbed. Distance between setae ad3–ad3 longer than ad2–ad2 and ad1–ad1. Adanal lyrifissures iad located longitudinally. Legs. Generally, similar to Lasiobelba (Lasiobelba) daamsae sp. n. (see also Table 1).
Sergey G. Ermilov, Umukusum Ya. Shtanchaeva, Luis S. Subías, Jochen Martens
bibliographic citation
Ermilov S, Shtanchaeva U, Subías L, Martens J (2014) Two new species of oribatid mites of Lasiobelba (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae) from Nepal, including a key to all species of the genus ZooKeys 424: 1–17
Sergey G. Ermilov
Umukusum Ya. Shtanchaeva
Luis S. Subías
Jochen Martens
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