Allantion tachyploon
Allantion tachyploon
Allantion tachyploon
Allantion (a-lant-ee-on) rarely reported gliding flagellate from soils. With one long flagellum and one very short flagellum. Body elliptical. Phase contrast.
Allantion tachyploon Sandon, 1924. Cells are 7-8.5x3.5 microns, cylindrical with rounded ends. A single trailing flagellum inserts sub-apically in a small depression. Cells glide swiftly with the whole of the flagellum in contact with the substrate, but with most of the posterior part of the cell raised above the surface. Gliding is sometimes interspersed by periods of a waggling movement. Cells may swim short distances, with rotation about the longitudinal axis, and the flagellum trailing behind
Bodomorpha (bow-dough-more-fa) is a small cercomonad flagellate, virtually indistinguishable from Heteromita, although said to ingest food with pseudopodia formed posteriorly. With two flagella inserting subapically. Mostly from freshwater and soil. Phase contrast micrograph.
Bodomorpha minima Hollande, 1942. Cells are oval or globular in shape, 4-5 microns long, 3-4 microns wide. Not metabolic. As in Bodo, it has a small rostrum in the anterior end, behind which two flagella insert. The posterior flagellum trails posteriorly, while the active flagellum bends slightly ventrally.
Proleptomonas (pro-lep-toe-moan-ass) a ellipsoidal heterotrophic flagellate of uncertain affinities, one apical flagellum emerging from the front of the cell, nucleus usually located anteriorly. Reported usually from soils. Phase contrast.
Proleptomonas (pro-lep-toe-moan-ass) a ellipsoidal heterotrophic flagellate of uncertain affinities, one apical flagellum emerging from the front of the cell, nucleus usually located anteriorly. Reported usually from soils. Phase contrast.
Proleptomonas (pro-lep-toe-moan-ass) a ellipsoidal heterotrophic flagellate of uncertain affinities, one apical flagellum emerging from the front of the cell, nucleus usually located anteriorly. Reported usually from soils. Bilaterally symmetrical cyst. Phase contrast.