Encope wetmorei, paratype (USNM E1007), oral viewEncope wetmorei, paratype (USNM E1007), Mazatlan, Mexico, Gulf of California, North Pacific Ocean.
Encope wetmorei, paratype (USNM E1007), aboral viewEncope wetmorei, paratype (USNM E1007), Mazatlan, Mexico, Gulf of California, North Pacific Ocean.
Encope wetmorei, paratype (ZMUC ECH-335),lateral view (anterior to right)Encope wetmorei, paratype (ZMUC ECH-335), Mazatlan, Mexico, Gulf of California, North Pacific Ocean.
Encope wetmorei, paratype (ZMUC ECH-335), oral viewEncope wetmorei, paratype (ZMUC ECH-335), Mazatlan, Mexico, Gulf of California, North Pacific Ocean.
Encope wetmorei, paratype (ZMUC ECH-335), aboral viewEncope wetmorei, paratype (ZMUC ECH-335), Mazatlan, Mexico, Gulf of California, North Pacific Ocean.
Encope wetmorei, holotype, aboral spinesEncope wetmorei, holotype, close up of flattened-tipped aboral spines, resulting in a smooth pavement-like appearance
Encope wetmorei, holotype, lateral view (anterior to right)Encope wetmorei, holotype (USNM E06768), Playa Grande, San Jose Island, Pearl Islands Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific.
Encope wetmorei, holotype, oral viewEncope wetmorei, holotype (USNM E06768), Playa Grande, San Jose Island, Pearl Islands Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific.
Encope wetmorei, holotype, aboral viewEncope wetmorei, holotype (USNM E06768), Playa Grande, San Jose Island, Pearl Islands Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, eastern Pacific.