
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Raninidae De Haan 1839
Family recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Recognized by Barbados Species List, Australia Species List, China Species List, Colombia Species List, Costa Rica Species List, Ecuador Species List, France Species List, French Polynesia Species List, Germany Species List, Madagascar Species List, Mariana Islands Species List, New Caledonia Species List, New Zealand Species List, Norfolk Island Species List, Panama Species List, Philippines Species List, Reunion Species List, Seychelles Species List, Tonga Species List, United Kingdom Species List, Venezuela Species List, Japan Species List, Indonesia Species List, Mexico Species List, Andaman Sea Species List, Arabian Sea Species List, Banda Sea Species List, Bay of Bengal Species List, Bass Strait Species List, Caribbean Sea Species List, Celebes Sea Species List, Coral Sea Species List, Eastern China Sea Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Gulf of Aden Species List, Gulf of California Species List, Gulf of Guinea Species List, Gulf of Mexico Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, Makassar Strait Species List, Mozambique Channel Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Pacific Species List, Sea of Japan Species List, Philippine Sea Species List, Solomon Sea Species List, South China Sea Species List, Sulu Sea Species List, Southern Ocean Species List, Tasman Sea Species List, South Atlantic Species List, South Pacific Species List, Gulf of Oman Species List, Furui 2020, GBIF national node type records France, Timor Sea Species List, United States Species List, and iDigBio type specimen records
Raninidae de Haan 1839
Family recognized by NCBI and wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Symethidae Goeke 1981

Alternative Names

Notopterygia Latreille 1831
Not accepted according to EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
? loevis Latreille, 1825
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Antonioranina van Bakel, Guinot, Artal, Fraaije & Jagt 2012
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Bonizzatoides Beschin, Busulini & Tessier 2013
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Cosmonotini Števčić 2005
Eosymethis van Bakel, Guinot, Artal, Fraaije & Jagt 2012
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Gymnopleura Bourne 1922
Notopterygia Latreille 1831
Doubtful according to GBIF classification
Notopterygia Latreille 1831

Common Names


frog crabs preferred


رانينيات preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


蛙蟹科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


アサヒガニ科 preferred

Navajo; Navaho

Chʼosh bikágí ntłʼizí nahashchʼidígíí preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


خرچنگان قورباغه‌ای preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


سلطعونات ضفدعيه preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Zh Cn

蛙蟹科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Zh Hans

蛙蟹科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Zh Hant

蛙蟹科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Zh Hk

蛙蟹科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Zh Tw

蛙蟹科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names
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Curated hierarchies for Raninidae De Haan 1839

GBIF classification

301 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the resource file for a full list.

World Register of Marine Species

654 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the resource file for a full list.