Figure 10.Gonimyrtea ferruginea new species. A Holotype, MNHN IM-2009-10376 exterior of left valve. L = 24.5 mm B Holotype, dorsal view C Paratype MNHN IM-2009-10376 exterior right valve L = 15.9 mm D–E Paratype MNHN IM-2009-10376 exterior and interior of right valve, sequenced specimen L = 24.0 mm F–H Paratype MNHN XXXXXXX exterior of right valve and interior of left and right valves. New Caledonia MUSORSTOM 4 stn CP236, 495–550 m, L = 12.5 mm I–L from BATHUS 2: stn DW740, 22°36'S, 166°27'E, 570–605 mI Detail of sculpture, scale bar = 500 µm J, K Details of hinge teeth right and left valves. Scale bar = 1 mm. L Protoconch. Arrow marks boundary between PI and PII. Scale bar = 100 µm.