Chromodoris is a genus of very colourful sea slugs or dorid nudibranchs, marine gastropod molluscs, and the type genus of the family Chromodorididae. Within the genus Chromodoris, there are currently 101 classified species. Species within Chromodoris are commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters, living as members of reef communities and preying primarily on sponges.[2] A molecular phylogeny of the family Chromodorididae resulted in this genus being restricted to a smaller number of species than formerly, most of which have longitudinal black lines on the mantle. Many former members of Chromodoris were transferred to Goniobranchus
Chromodoris species exhibit one of the two major body types found within Nudibranchia. There are a few major bodily features that separate chromodorids from other sea slugs.
Dorids have a thick mantle that exists over their foot, and in some species, the mantle can have tubercles (nodules along the surface of an organism that are made of keratin)[3] of different concentrations, shapes, and sizes, providing some rigidity and protection for their soft, shell-less bodies. In most dorid species, the mantle holds toxins that defend the organism that are obtained through their diet.
Chromodorids breathe oxygen principally through their gills, usually positioned in a featherlike structure located around the anus at their posterior, called the branchial plume.[4]
The classification of the family Chromodorididae has been the subject of many studies on nudibranches in recent years, most focusing on the phylogeny and its impact on the traditional taxonomies of the genera. Chromodoris was long considered to be the most diverse genus of the Chromodorididae; however, a study published in July 2018 on Indo-pacific species of chromodorid nudibranchs has shown that the genus should be categorized more strictly, and has been narrowed down to 22 species. These species characteristically have black stripes along their bodies and linear spawning.[5]
Chromodorid nudibranchs commonly exhibit chemical defenses to protect themselves from predators. Most of the species that exhibit this behavior make use of bioactive compounds like alkaloids, diterpenes, and sesquiterpenes from the sponges they feed on. Nudibranchs can collect these compounds and store them as is, transform them, or be selectively sequestered, although there is no information on how common each mechanism is and which individual species exhibit the individual methods. Chromodorid nudibranchs in particular transport and store their toxic compounds in specialized storage glands located in strategic locations throughout the mantle, called mantle dermal formations (MDFs). These MDFs have been shown to harbor extremely high concentrations of distasteful and potent compounds in comparison to the rest of their body.[6]
All nudibranchs are simultaneous hermaphrodites, with each individual possessing both male and female reproductive structures. During mating, two individuals compete for the position of male by darting their penises at one another until the victor penetrates the body wall of the other and impregnating them, forcing them to act as the female, an act commonly called "penis fencing." From here, the female lays eggs into a substrate, which hatch planktonic vestigial veliger larva, who will further evolve into adults.[7]
Species in the genus Chromodoris include:[8]
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(help) Chromodoris is a genus of very colourful sea slugs or dorid nudibranchs, marine gastropod molluscs, and the type genus of the family Chromodorididae. Within the genus Chromodoris, there are currently 101 classified species. Species within Chromodoris are commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters, living as members of reef communities and preying primarily on sponges. A molecular phylogeny of the family Chromodorididae resulted in this genus being restricted to a smaller number of species than formerly, most of which have longitudinal black lines on the mantle. Many former members of Chromodoris were transferred to Goniobranchus
Chromodoris es un género de moluscos nudibranquios de la familia Chromodorididae (babosas de mar).[3]
Tienen un manto dorsal de forma más o menos ovalada, estampado con diversas combinaciones de colores y manchas. El pie es del mismo color que el cuerpo y se extiende posteriormente más allá del manto.
Para investigar el medio utilizan dos tentáculos situados en la cabeza, llamados rinoforos, y otros dos tentáculos, situados cerca de la boca, que les sirven para oler, detectar estímulos químicos y tocar. Carecen de órgano de la vista propiamente dicho, en su lugar tienen una pequeña esfera dentro del cuerpo situada detrás y en el centro de los rinoforos, que le sirve para detectar luz o sombras.[4] En la parte posterior del dorso, tiene unos apéndices de apariencia plumosa que son las branquias que utiliza para respirar. En el centro de las branquias se sitúa la papilla anal. Todos estos apéndices, salvo los bucales, pueden ser de color blanco, rosa, rojo, naranja o amarillo.
El conducto genital y la prominente abertura genital están situados cerca de la cabeza, en el lado derecho del cuerpo.
Su contrastada combinación de colores, como en otras especies animales, es un aviso al resto de habitantes del arrecife sobre la toxicidad y/o desagradable sabor de su dermis, convirtiéndose en una estrategia de defensa, o aposematismo. Las sustancias causantes de esos efectos son secretadas por unas glándulas situadas en el margen del manto,[5] y son obtenidas por el animal de las esponjas de las que se alimenta.
Son lentos de movimiento y cuando son tocados por un predador, se encogen y esconden los rinoforos.
El tamaño medio de las diversas especies es de 6 cm.
Los Opstobranquios son carnívoros y se alimentan principalmente de cnidarios como las anémonas, corales e hidrozoos, también de esponjas, briozoos, tunicados, ascidias y dependiendo de la especie incluso de algas. Algunos nudibranquios son cazadores y predan sobre ejemplares de otras especies. Es muy curioso como algunas especies se alimentan de un solo tipo de presa en la que habitan de forma parasitaria. [6]
El Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas acepta un total de 62 especies válidas en el género Chromodoris:[7]
Especies cuyo nombre ha dejado de ser aceptado por sinonimia:
Chromodoris es un género de moluscos nudibranquios de la familia Chromodorididae (babosas de mar).
Chromodoris on sulkamerietanoihin kuuluva värikkäiden merinilviäisten suku, johon kuuluu 165 lajia. Ne kuuluvat vapaakiduskotiloiden lahkoon (Nudibranchia).[2]
Suurimmat Chromodoris-merietanat kasvavat 15 cm pitkiksi, ja voivat painaa yli 400 grammaa. Ne ovat näyttävän värisiä, usein pohjaväriltään kirkkaansinisiä keltaisin, valkoisin ja mustin kuvioin. Ne ovat vahvasti myrkyllisiä.[3] Niillä on pyöreämuotoinen tai soikea vartalo ja vaippa, joka roikkuu reunoilta hameenhelmojen lailla. Etuosassa on kaksi poimullista tuntosarvea, joiden hakjua ja makua sekä tuntoa aistivien avulla kotilo etsii ruokaa. Kukkamaiset kidukset sijaitsevat eläimen selän takaosassa, ja peräaukko on kidusten keskellä.[4]
Chromodoris-merietanat syövät sienieläimiä.[5]
Joitakin Chromodoris-lajeja päätyy joskus meriakvaarioihin, joko tahallisen keräämisen seurauksina tai salamatkustajina korallien tai kivien koloissa. Ne elävät vankeudessa korkeintaan muutamia kuukausia, ja voivat kuollessaan myrkyttää koko akvaarion asukkaat.[3]
Chromodoris on sulkamerietanoihin kuuluva värikkäiden merinilviäisten suku, johon kuuluu 165 lajia. Ne kuuluvat vapaakiduskotiloiden lahkoon (Nudibranchia).
Suurimmat Chromodoris-merietanat kasvavat 15 cm pitkiksi, ja voivat painaa yli 400 grammaa. Ne ovat näyttävän värisiä, usein pohjaväriltään kirkkaansinisiä keltaisin, valkoisin ja mustin kuvioin. Ne ovat vahvasti myrkyllisiä. Niillä on pyöreämuotoinen tai soikea vartalo ja vaippa, joka roikkuu reunoilta hameenhelmojen lailla. Etuosassa on kaksi poimullista tuntosarvea, joiden hakjua ja makua sekä tuntoa aistivien avulla kotilo etsii ruokaa. Kukkamaiset kidukset sijaitsevat eläimen selän takaosassa, ja peräaukko on kidusten keskellä.
Chromodoris-merietanat syövät sienieläimiä.
Joitakin Chromodoris-lajeja päätyy joskus meriakvaarioihin, joko tahallisen keräämisen seurauksina tai salamatkustajina korallien tai kivien koloissa. Ne elävät vankeudessa korkeintaan muutamia kuukausia, ja voivat kuollessaan myrkyttää koko akvaarion asukkaat.
Chromodoris est un genre de nudibranches de la famille des Chromodorididae[2].
Les représentants de l'espèce mesurent jusqu'à 15 cm de long et peuvent peser jusqu'à 400 grammes. De forme ronde ou ovale et très colorés, ils sont en général toxiques. Ils disposent de deux tentacules à l'avant, leur permettant de se nourrir en broutant à la manière des escargots mais aussi de se repérer dans l'espace. Leurs branchies se trouvent à l'arrière de leur dos. Ils se nourrissent des éponges sur lesquelles ils vivent.
Certains Chromodoris se retrouvent quelquefois dans les aquariums marins, que ce soit intentionnel ou en tant que « passager clandestin » par suite de la collecte de coraux ou de roches. Ils peuvent vivre plusieurs mois en captivité mais leur mort peut empoisonner les habitants de l'aquarium entier.
Le nom scientifique vient du grec chromo (couleur) et de Doris, d'après la nymphe éponyme. Il s'agit donc de doris aux couleurs vives.
Les espèces du genre Chromodoris sont les suivantes :
Selon World Register of Marine Species (11 janvier 2016)[3] :
Chromodoris est un genre de nudibranches de la famille des Chromodorididae.
Chromodoris Alder & Hancock, 1855 è un genere di molluschi nudibranchi della famiglia Chromodorididae.[1]
Il genere comprende le seguenti specie[1]:
Chromodoris Alder & Hancock, 1855 è un genere di molluschi nudibranchi della famiglia Chromodorididae.
Chromodoris is een geslacht dat behoort tot de familie van de Chromodorididae. Het geslacht bestaat uit 237 beschreven soorten.
Chromodoris is een geslacht dat behoort tot de familie van de Chromodorididae. Het geslacht bestaat uit 237 beschreven soorten.
Chromodoris là một chi sên biển gồm các loài sên có nhiều màu sắc trong họ Chromodorididae.
Chi này gồm các loài sau:
Chromodoris là một chi sên biển gồm các loài sên có nhiều màu sắc trong họ Chromodorididae.