
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Aglajidae Pilsbry 1895
Family recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Recognized by Egypt Species List, INBio, INBio, Moorea Biocode, Australia Species List, Bermuda Species List, Brazil Species List, China Species List, Christmas Island Species List, Cocos Islands Species List, Costa Rica Species List, French Polynesia Species List, Guam Species List, Italy Species List, Madagascar Species List, Maldives Species List, Marshall Islands Species List, New Caledonia Species List, New Zealand Species List, Palau Species List, Panama Species List, Papua New Guinea Species List, Philippines Species List, South Africa Species List, Spain Species List, Tanzania Species List, The Bahamas Species List, Tonga Species List, Vanuatu Species List, Japan Species List, Indonesia Species List, Mexico Species List, Andaman Sea Species List, Arabian Sea Species List, Arafura Sea Species List, Bali Sea Species List, Banda Sea Species List, Bay of Bengal Species List, Bering Sea Species List, Bass Strait Species List, Bismarck Sea Species List, Caribbean Sea Species List, Chukchi Sea Species List, Coral Sea Species List, Flores Sea Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Gulf of Alaska Species List, Gulf of Aqaba Species List, Gulf of California Species List, Gulf of Guinea Species List, Gulf of Mexico Species List, Gulf of Tomini Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, Ionian Sea Species List, Malacca Strait Species List, Mozambique Channel Species List, Halmahera Sea Species List, North Atlantic Species List, Molukka Sea Species List, North Pacific Species List, Red Sea Species List, Philippine Sea Species List, Seto Inland Sea Species List, Solomon Sea Species List, South China Sea Species List, Strait of Gibraltar Species List, Tyrrhenian Sea Species List, Sulu Sea Species List, Tasman Sea Species List, South Atlantic Species List, South Pacific Species List, Furui 2020, OBIS environmental data records, United States Species List, Mineralogy, Marshall et al, and Marshall et al

Common Names


拟海牛科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names


カノコキセワタガイ科 preferred
Recognized by Furui 2020

Zh Cn

拟海牛科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names

Zh Tw

擬海牛科 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata Common Names
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Curated hierarchies for Aglajidae Pilsbry 1895

World Register of Marine Species
