Arizona, United States
This species, which uses red leaves as well as petals, is mainly at home in the Amazon basin, but is here at Cotacocha Lodge on the upper Rio Napo. I
Family: AcanthaceaeDistribution:Common on dry gravelly hard soils and rock crevices.Limited to Peninsular India.Suffrutescent herbs with perennial root stock and radially spreading branches; Leaves 3x1 cm linear-oblong, subacute,subsessile. Flowers 1-1.5am long white or pale pink, spotted with purple. Flower heads globose, denser, wooly and spiny.Spikes crowded at the base of the stem.Bracts and calyx lobes shortly spinous-mucronate; bracts broad, corolla lobes cyllindric below, suddenly expandedand 2 lipped,upper lip erect, 2lobed, lower 3 lobed, spotted, stamens 4 didynamous, disk annular, ovary 2 celled, stigma shortly 2 lobed, fruit a capsule.Reference: Flora of presidency of Madras by J.S Gamble, ENVIS, Flora of Nellore district By B.Suryanarayana &A.S Rao
Ruellia hapalotricha LindauACANTHACEAELocal: Parque Ecolgico Dom Bosco, Braslia, Brasil.Ref.: Vilar, T.S. Acanthaceae Juss. no Distrito Federal, Brasil. UnB, 2009.
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Kingdom=Plantaeunranked=Angiospermsunranked=Eudicotsunranked=AsteridsOrder=LamialesFamily=AcanthaceaeGenus=AvicenniaSpecies=marina?Binomial name=Avicennia marina?Common name=Grey mangrove?
Kingdom=Plantaeunranked=Angiospermsunranked=Eudicotsunranked=AsteridsOrder=LamialesFamily=AcanthaceaeGenus=AvicenniaSpecies=marina?Binomial name=Avicennia marina?Common name=Grey mangrove?
Kingdom=Plantaeunranked=Angiospermsunranked=Eudicotsunranked=AsteridsOrder=LamialesFamily=AcanthaceaeGenus=AvicenniaSpecies=marina?Binomial name=Avicennia marina?Common name=Grey mangrove?
Mom Che Puteh's Garden, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia.Justicia gendarussa Burm. f. Acanthaceae. CN: [Malay - Gandarusa, Daun rusa], Native of China but has naturalized in Western Indian Ocean island nations (Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles), Indian subcontinent, Malesia bio-geographic region. Sought after by traditional healers and normally used either as poultices or decoction for the treatment of sprains and broken bones. Plant can be found growing wild and cultivated.
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
A flower of Justicia gendarussa from Acanthaceae.
Mom Che Puteh's Garden, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia.Justicia gendarussa Burm. f. Acanthaceae. CN: [Malay - Gandarusa, Daun rusa], Native of China but has naturalized in Western Indian Ocean island nations (Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles), Indian subcontinent, Malesia bio-geography region. Sought after by traditional healers and normally used either as poultices or decoction for the treatment of sprains and broken bones. Plant can be found growing wild and cultivated.
Scsarlet Fuschia (Graptophyllum excelsum) cultivated in a Townsville garden, Queensland, Australia. Photographed on 18 September 1972.Digitised from a slide. The original slide, which is of higher quality, is held.
Ruellia angustior LindauACANTHACEAELocal: Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Alto Paraso, Gois, Brasil.Ref.: Herbrio Virtual Reflora
Ruellia angustior LindauACANTHACEAELocal: Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Alto Paraso, Gois, Brasil.Ref.: Herbrio Virtual Reflora
Ruellia angustior LindauACANTHACEAELocal: Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Alto Paraso, Gois, Brasil.Ref.: Herbrio Virtual Reflora
An unusual form of Justicia, some would claim it should be called Beloperone amherstiae. Native to the southernmost Neotropics. Photo from near the Argentina-Brazil border.
Santa Ana, Managua, Nicaragua
Justicia sarothroides LindauACANTHACEAE Local: Lago Sul, Braslia, BrasilRef.: Vilar, T.S. Acanthaceae Juss. no Distrito Federal, Brasil. UnB, 2009.
Justicia sarothroides LindauACANTHACEAE Local: Lago Sul, Braslia, BrasilRef.: Vilar, T.S. Acanthaceae Juss. no Distrito Federal, Brasil. UnB, 2009.
Alto Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama
Blacketts Ridge, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, Sept 9, 2011